[New post] This Day In Norwood History-August 1, 1957-Norwood Mother’s Club History Shows Problems Of Motherhood Same Through Years (Part 2)
georgenhs posted: " In commemoration of Its 35th anniversary, Mrs. George Woodard, through her diligent and untiring efforts, compiled the history of the Norwood Mothers" Club. Numerous hours were spent in reading through the secretary's and treasurer's reports as well " Norwood Historical Society
In commemoration of Its 35th anniversary, Mrs. George Woodard, through her diligent and untiring efforts, compiled the history of the Norwood Mothers" Club. Numerous hours were spent in reading through the secretary's and treasurer's reports as well as publicity reports through the years. There has long been a need for a record of this type and Mrs. Woodard has performed a great service by compiling these facts.
This history was presented with its attending costumes, music, and frivolity at the March meeting with many past presidents in attendance. These past presidents and former members as well as many others helped to supply the facts and costumes necessary for the presentation. This is the .second of three installments.
The records for the 1942-43 season are not all on file, having apparently been lost during the war years, but here are some of the activities during these months. Eight regular meeting, were held, a Christmas party was given for the children, Guest night took place in February, and workers were supplied for the Thrift Shop for March and April.
At the April, 1943 meeting, the Secretary read proposed changes for a wartime program, and In May, 1943 the members voted to grant life membership without payment of dues, with full privileges, to Past Presidents.
Only 41 members paid dues to the Norwood Mothers Club during the 1943-44 season. A fashion show was held in Social Hall on March 8, 1944 and Fathers Night was held in the same place on March 21 with dinner and dancing to Patzold's Orchestra, and according to the treasurers books the club made a profit of $.49 on the affair.
The only apparent activity of the Norwood Mothers Club during the 1944-43 and 1945-46 seasons was the giving of the Mothers Club Home Economics Award at the High School graduation.
The first meeting of the Mothers Club after its reorganization following the war was called by Mrs. Edward H. Peterson, who had been chosen President. It was held at Day House on October 1, 1946. Speakers during this year Included Mrs. Santina Riley of the Norfolk Agricultural School in December whose subject was "Things to Make For Christmas," Mrs. Dorothy McKenna, nutritionist sponsored by the Woman's Community Committee, whose subject was "Making Food Interesting .to the Children," and Miss Dorothy N. Shumaker of the Morrill Memorial Library, whose subject was "Childrens Books.
Fathers Night was held on Friday, March 21, 1947 at the Callaghan School and it was a cabaret style. Pupils of Miss Evelyn Doughtery's Dancing Class entertained the members and their guests. Refreshments were served by eight charming young girls from the Senior High School.
A dessert Bridge was held at Day House on May fl, 1947 and the Annual Luncheon was held at the Mebdows in Framingham on June 3rd. Mrs. Edward Peterson was reelected President.
The first board meeting for the season of 1947-48 was held in September and received the news from the treasurer that there was just a hit over $1000 In the treasury aside from the scholarship fund.
At the first regular meeting on October 7, 1947, 22 new members were welcomed Into the club.
Guest Day was held In November with Mrs. Albert Carter of the Florence Crltlcndon League as speaker. Her topic was "Mother and Daughter Relations." Mrs. Carter had spoken to the club some ten years before on October 5. 1937
A Christmas Party was given for the children of members at the Civic Club and Santa Claus was of course the honored guest.
On February 3, 1948, Mrs. Margaret Mason of the Family Welfare Society of Greater Boston led an interesting open discussion on Child Welfare. In March, the meeting was taken over by the children of the members and the program of dancing, and music presented by the younger generation comprised one of the most enjoyable and entertaining afternoons of the year. Father's Night was held April 10, 1948 at the Knotty Pine with 22 couples present.
The Annual Meeting and lunch, eon took place on May 3rd at the Meadows In Framingham. Mrs. Louis Balboni was elected President.
On November 8, 1948, the speaker was Dr. Henry Gallup who gave an enlightening talk on "Behavior Problems of Children." Dr. Gallup had spoken to the club at a previous meeting held In March, 1939.
The children's Christmas patty this year was limited to children of members, and a puppet show, a monster grab-bag, games, and refreshments made the afternoon a complete success.
On February 1, 1949, Mrs. Marion Tucker Rudkin reviewed several books in her fascinating talk "Between the Bookends." Mrs. Rudkin quickly became a favorite of the members of the Mother;s Club and has returned each year since that time with new and delightful book reviews.
On April P. 1949, the entertainment consisted of a Children's Fashion Show with the children of the members acting as models. Mr. Batter of Bakers Dress Goods Shop was the commentator A total of 41 children took part. Parading around the hall wearing the latest creations in childrens apparel.
At the Annual meeting and luncheon held at the Meadows,
Mrs. Louis Balboni was reelected President.
On November 1st, 1949 an evening meeting was held at the Callahan School. It consisted of a symposium on "Parents' Responsibility In Guiding the Adolescent through the Difficult Years" with Mr. Dennis O'Leary as Moderator. The speakers were Judge John Connelly of the Boston Juvenile Court, Dr. Donald Maynard of Boston University School of Theology and Mr. Lincoln D. Lynch, Superintendent of Schools In Norwood.
Fathers Night was held on November 15 at the Norwood Center Lounge.
Members of the Mothers Club visited the Florence Crittenden Home and toured Welcome House on November 7, 1949. At the following meeting a motion was made and passed that the club would try to raise fifty dollars for the Florence Crlttendon League that year and In the future made It a pledge. And that pledge has been kept every year since.
At the February, 1030 meeting, the card table project was announced and explained. The successful completion of this project In March enabled the club to own Its own card tables' and also contributed substantially to the treasury. A new coffee urn was purchased by the club and was In use at this meeting. The urn was paid for by the purchase by members of bottles of Aire-Fresh. A suggestion was offered at this time that the Club consider Instituting a Nursery Department in charge ofa competent person to care for club members children during the meetings. but there were just too many children to be taken care of.
At the regular meeting on May 2, 1950, Mrs. Albert Carter of the Florence Crittenden League was the speaker This was the third time that Mrs. Carter had spoken to the membership of the Mothers Club
The Annual meeting and luncheon was held on May 24 at the Toll House in Whitman. Mrs. Balboni reported that she had attended the Annual Prcdnnt's Day of the Florence Crlttendon Circles of the Florence Crittenden League and that the Norwood Mothers Club had been made on associate member al that time. The new President, elected at this meeting was Mis. Frank Flower.
In November of 1950, at the suggestion of Miss Edna Phillips, a member of the club was appointed to help the library select books of family Interest. In December, a Santa Claus suit was purchased and it has been put to good use almost every year since Fathers night in 1950 was an old-fashioned country banquet and barbeque atEagles Headquarters. On June 5, 1951, Mrs. Frank Flower was reelected President, She remarked that the gavel she was using had been presented Io the club by the first President, Mrs. Oliver Barr, and that gavel Is still In use1 today.
1951-52 season saw the meetings held at Elks Hall. In February,' 1952, the members voted to make the annual scholarship a Nursing Scholarship of S75.00 each year. The Annual Luncheon was held at the Lafayette House on May 6, 1952 and Mrs. Frank Papineau was elected president. At this meeting, the club voted to purchase a bassinet for the nursery of the Norwood Hospital.
During 1952-53, the meetings were held at the Sports Center Lounge. On January 8, 1953, Mr. Albert Carter again spoke about the Florence Crlttendon League, and this was the fourth visit by Mrs. Carter.
On April 7, 1953, Judge Emma Fall Schofield spoke on "Problem Children and Problem Parents." Judge Schofield had also been a speaker at a previous meeting In October, 1932, twenty-one years earlier. At this meeting the club resolved to set aside a page In the record book In memory of Mrs. Louise Balboni.
The Annual luncheon and meet. Ing became two separate affairs this year. At the Annual meeting, May 5, 1953, Mrs. John Manning was elected President and the Luncheon was held at the Lord Fox on May 19th.
During the 1953-54 season, the Mothers Club very appropriately donated six footstools to the Maternity ward of the Norwood Hospital. And many of these members today have had an opportunity to make use of that gift. At the Annual Luncheon at the Lafayette House on May 4, 1934, Mrs. John Manning was reelected President.
The 1954-55 season saw the club donating $109.00 to the Norwood Hospital Building Fund, and a wheelchair to the Maternity Ward. A three-speed record player, and educational records were purchased for the use of the special class for exceptional children at the Junior High School.
In March of 1935, the board of the Norwood Mothers Club sent a protest to the School Committee concerning their action of not rehiring four married teachers who were not on tenure. Feeling the need of leadership In action of this type, the Board voted to recommend that the President be allowed to appoint a Citizenship Chairman, and the club passed that recommendation in April of 1955. The protest by the board to the School Committee was given the unanimous approval of the members present at that meeting and a petition was circulated. A letter was sent by the Citizenship Chairman to the Town Charter Review Committee requesting that the membership of the School Committee be Increased to an odd number A letter was sent to the School Committee with five hundred signatures protesting their action.
The Annual Luncheon was held at the Lord Fox, May 18, 1935 and Mrs. M. Grant Slater was elected President.
During the 1955-56 season, many changes took place. The meetings wore all held In the evenings in the Banquet Hall of the Masonic Building. Fathers Night was held out of town on a Saturday night and a needy family was remembered at Christmas. The club voted for a dinner meeting. instead of a luncheon for the Annual Meeting and it was held at the Lord Fox on May 16, 1950, at which time Mrs. M. Grant Slater was reelected President. The club also ''voted at the Annual Meeting to raise the dues to $3.00 and to make the Citizenship Committee an elected standing committee. In June of 1936, the Moth-ers Club presented a high chair and a childrens wheelchair to the Norwood Hospital.
This season, the Constitution and By-Laws have been rewritten and the most recent event in the history of the club was a very enjoyable Fathers Night banquet held on Valentine's Day at the Elks Hall.
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