Last month, I shared a 15-day #MeetTheWriter challenge on my author Facebook page. It was a bit like interviewing myself but I thought I would share these insights with my blog community over the next few months in three instalments . So here goes....
#MeetTheWriter D1/15 ....DESK
What is on your desk?
Might be easier to ask what's not on my desk! I write at a traditional style writing bureau (the day job is done from there too) and space is at a premium. As you can see the desk "top" just has space for my laptop and notebooks. The dookets at the back of the desk are crammed full with a variety of bits n bobs. The small champagne bottle now filled with novelty pens was the champagne from the launch of my debut novel Stronger Within. The small bear to the left sits on corks from various other celebratory bottles. He's also got a necklace made up of years' worth of Lindt chocolate bunnies and bears. The pink elephant in front of him came out of a bath bomb my daughter had years ago, if memory serves me right. On top, there's a collection of knick knacks and soft toys that have gathered there over the years. My camera lurks in the top right hand dooket along with a spare external storage device. Oh, and as for the glass...that's lemonade. Honest! LOL
It's a bit of a cluttered space but it's my space and I love it 
#MeetTheWriter Day2/15 TIME....
The evenings, after dinner, are when I sit down to write. Some days I might only have a few snatched minutes and on others several hours. I go with the flow and don't try to force it. "It's 7:30pm, I must write for two hours" doesn't work for me. Some evenings I'll spend the time revising the words I wrote the night before and I still class that as writing as I'm still building the story. Each week I also find time to write my blog posts. If you've checked out the blog, you'll know these can vary greatly in length!
During the summer months I love to write outdoors in the sunshine. That time might be spent sitting at my rather rickety picnic table or back on the front doorstep where this creative journey first began.
#MeetTheWriter Day3/15 MOTIVATION ....
I've pondered this question for a few hours. I can't imagine not writing. Writing is as big a part of me as breathing. It's something I've always done for as long as I can remember. As a child I was always writing stories and plays. I've kept a diary since 1 Jan 1982. I was given my first 5-year diary for Christmas 1981, and I still use a 5-year diary to this day. I journal regularly for the sake of my own sanity. Once you read things in black and white (Ok usually purple and white in my case) those fears/concerns seem less daunting. Writing thoughts and fears down helps take the power out of those words and makes them less scary. It's a coping mechanism that has stood me in good stead over the years. Creative writing has always been a passion. In the right mood, I can find inspiration in most things for a poem or a piece of flash fiction. This week's blog post is a classic example - I heard a song called Cinnamon Girl on the radio and my imagination stirred into life. Staying motivated can be easier at some points than at others but I've learned over time not to stress if the words decide not to flow easily. My mantra as I've mentioned before is "dreams get your started; discipline keeps you going". I'm a dreamer at heart and there's always a dream to chase.

#meetthewriter Day 4/15 CHAMPION
When I reflect back to 2013 when I began to write the story that became my debut novel Stronger Within, I never told a living soul what I was attempting to do. I just wrote. Eventually several months down the line I confided in one friend about what I was doing. (No, I'm not naming names) They went on to become one of my Infamous Five who have all championed my efforts at every turn. For different reasons, I am eternally grateful to each of them for believing in me and for ensuring I continue to believe in myself. Through time there have been numerous friends who have encouraged me and helped to spread the word about my book babies. I am indebted to each and every one of them. You know who you are, folks. Couldn't continue on this creative path without you.
#meetthewriter Day 5/15 INSPIRATION...
Another question I've pondered for several hours. There are countless authors I admire and whose words have struck a chord. There are also countless musicians and songwriters who have done the same. Inspiration is all around. The key is having your eyes, ears and imagination open. It might be a casual phrase that sticks with you or a line in a song or even a snippet of conversation overheard in the supermarket. If you're open to being inspired, inspiration will find you.
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