Once, he declined something from the servant who interrupted and pestered at his shoulder, and he said, shortly and emphatically, "Pow!" | Wuns, hy dikliend sumthing frum dhu survunt hoo inturuptud and pesturd at hiz shoeldur, and hy sed, shortly and emfatikuly, "Pou!" |
On the instant those at the table were keyed up and expectant, the servant was smugly pleased, and he was wallowing in mortification. But he recovered himself quickly. | On dhy instunt dhoez at dhu taebul wur kyd up and ekspektunt, dhu survunt wuz smugly plyzd, and hy wuz wolo.ing in mortuikaeshun. But hy rikuvurd himself kwikly. |
"It's the Kanaka for 'finish,'" he explained, "and it just come out naturally. It's spelt p-a-u." | "It's dhu Kunoku faur 'finish," hy eksplaend, "and it just kum out nachuruly. It's spelt p-a-u." |
He caught her curious and speculative eyes fixed on his hands, and, being in explanatory mood, he said:- | Hy kaut hur kywryus and spekyulutiv iez fiksd on hiz handz, and, bying in eksplanutaury mood, hy sed:- |
"I just come down the Coast on one of the Pacific mail steamers. She was behind time, an' around the Puget Sound ports we worked like niggers, storing cargo—mixed freight, if you know what that means. That's how the skin got knocked off." | "I just kum doun dhu koest on wun uv dhu Pusifik mael stymurz. Shy wuz bihiend tiem, an' uround dhu Puejut Sound paurts wy wurkd liek nigurz, stauring kargoe—miksd fraet, if yoo knoe whot dhat mynz. Dhat's hou dhu skin got nokd of." |
"Oh, it wasn't that," she hastened to explain, in turn. "Your hands seemed too small for your body." | "Oe, it wuzn't dhat," shy haesund too eksplaen, in turn. "Yaur handz symd too smaul faur yaur body." |
His cheeks were hot. He took it as an exposure of another of his deficiencies. | Hiz chyks wur hot. Hy twk it az an ekspoezhur uv unudhur uv hiz difishunsyz. |
"Yes," he said depreciatingly. "They ain't big enough to stand the strain. I can hit like a mule with my arms and shoulders. They are too strong, an' when I smash a man on the jaw the hands get smashed, too." | "Yes," hy sed dipryshyaetingly. "Dhae aent big inuf too stand dhu straen. Ie kan hit liek u muel with mie ormz and shoeldurz. Dhae ar too strong, an' when I smash u man on dhu jau dhu handz get smashd, too." |
He was not happy at what he had said. He was filled with disgust at himself. He had loosed the guard upon his tongue and talked about things that were not nice. | Hy wuz not hapy at whot hy had sed. Hy wuz fild with disgust at himself. Hy had loosd dhu gard upon hiz tung and taulkd ubout dhingz dhat wur not nies. |
"It was brave of you to help Arthur the way you did—and you a stranger," she said tactfully, aware of his discomfiture though not of the reason for it. | "It wuz braev uv ue too help Orthur dhu wae ue did—and ue u straenjur," shy sed taktfuly, uwer uv hiz diskumfuchur dhoe not uv dhu ryzun faur it. |
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