| Paul Stought Apr 17 |
of how he should comport himself toward these persons. What should his attitude be? He wrestled continually and anxiously with the problem. There were cowardly suggestions that he should make believe, assume a part; and there were still more cowardly suggestions that warned him he would fail in such course, that his nature was not fitted to live up to it, and that he would make a fool of himself. | uv hou hy shwd kumpaurt himself tuwaurd dhyz pursunz. Whot shwd hiz atutood by? Hy resuld kuninuuly and angshusly with dhu problum. Dher wur kou.urdly sugjeschunz dhat hy shwd maek bilyv, usoom u port; and dher wur stil maur kou.urdly sugjeschunz dhat waurnd him hy wwd fael in such kaurs, dhat hiz naechur wuz not fitud too liv up too it, and dhat he wwd maek u fool uv himself. | It was during the first part of the dinner, struggling to decide upon his attitude, that he was very quiet. He did not know that his quietness was giving the lie to Arthur's words of the day before, when that brother of hers had announced that he was going to bring a wild man home to dinner and for them not to be alarmed, because they would find him an interesting wild man. Martin Eden could not have found it in him, just then, to believe that her brother could be guilty of such treachery—especially when he had been the means of getting this particular brother out of an unpleasant row. So he sat at table, perturbed by his own unfitness and at the same time charmed by all that went on about him. For the first time he realized that eating was | It wuz dwring dhu furst port uv dhu dinur, struguling too disied upon hiz atutood, dhat hy wuz very kwiut. Hy did not noe dhat hiz kwiutnus wuz giving dhu lie too Orthur'z wurdz uv dhu dae bifaur, when dhat brudhur uv hurz had unounsd dhat hy wuz go.ing too bring u wield man hoem too dinur and faur dhem not too by ulormd, bikauz dhae wwd fiend him an inturusting wield man. Mortun Ydun kwd not hav found it in him, just dhen, too bilyv dhat hur brudhur kwd by gilty uv such trechury—espeshuly when hy had bin dhu mynz uv geting dhis purtikyulur brudhur out uv an unplezunt rou. Soe hy sat at taebul, purturbd bie hiz oen unfitnus and at dhu saem tiem chormd bie aul dhat went on ubout him. Faur dhu furst tiem hy ryuliezd dhat yting wuz | something more than a utilitarian function. He was unaware of what he ate. It was merely food. He was feasting his love of beauty at this table where eating was an aesthetic function. It was an intellectual function, too. His mind was stirred. He heard words spoken that were meaningless to him, and other words that he had seen only in books and that no man or woman hy | sumthing maur dhan u uetiluteryun fungkshun. Hy wuz unuwer uv whot hy aet. It wuz mirly food. Hy wuz fysting hiz luv uv buety at dhis taebul wher yting wuz an esthetic fungkshun. It wuz an intulektuul fungkshun, too. Hiz miend wuz sturd. Hy hurd wurdz spoekun dhat wur myninglus too him,and udhur wurdz dhat hy had syn oenly in bwks and dhat noe man aur wwmun hy | had known was of large enough mental caliber to pronounce. When he heard such words dropping carelessly from the lips of the members of this marvellous family, her family, he thrilled with delight. The romance, and beauty, and high vigor of the books were coming true. He was in that rare and blissful state wherein a man sees his dreams stalk out from the crannies of fantasy and become fact. | had noen wuz uv lorj inuf mentul kalubur too prunouns. When hy hurd such wurdz droping kerlusly frum dhu lips uv dhu memburz uv dhis morvulus famuly, hur famuly, hy thrild with diliet. Dhu roemans, and buety, and hie vigur uv dhu bwks wur kuming troo. Hy wuz in dhat rer and blisful staet wherin u man syz hiz drymz staulk out frum dhu kranyz uv fantusy and bikum fakt. | Never had he been at such an altitude of living, and he kept himself in the background, listening, observing, and pleasuring, replying in reticent monosyllables, saying, "Yes, | Nevur had hy bin at such an altutood uv living, and hy kept himself in dhu bakground, lisuning, ubzurving, and plezhuring, ripli.ing in retusunt monusilubulz, sa.ing, "Yes, | 17 | 17 | |
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