This week I'd like to introduce you to fellow indie author, Lisa Sell, who has recently released her fourth novel, Killing Kindness.
Before we meet Lisa herself, here's a taste of Killing Kindness
Killing Kindness Chapter One
Three long, hot weeks ended in death. Teenage temperaments boiled over. Humidity slicked their skin with sweat. Blaming the heat for the group falling apart was too convenient. More than mugginess made Simon Pritchard snap.
The Six were united in a common purpose. Every summer holiday, activities took place, giving parents the chance to offload their offspring. Six sixteen-year-olds, fresh from finishing GCSEs, were the chosen ones. Selected teens earned cash helping to run Trillhaven's holiday club alongside adult supervisors. The Six was hardly an inspired name, but the adults found it helped the assistants to bond. Being in a group made them feel elite. Those only a few years younger respected their authority.
Alex, Kat, Joe, Stevie, Erin, and Simon formed the gang of 1992. Kids hung around them, desperate to be a favourite. The adult helpers admired the teens' work ethic while ignoring their night-time shenanigans. Young adults need to let loose, particularly when preparing for further education or work. A disused mill on the outskirts of Trillhaven became a playground. There they learnt how to tip from childhood over the cusp into adulthood. The Six discovered the joys of alcohol, accompanied by a love of music and sometimes each other. The owner of the mill watched from her cottage across the way. She stayed out of their business until she had no choice.
On the last evening of the holiday club, children danced to a DJ's cheesy tunes. Nearly every local entertainment event was led by him. The Dorset town of Trillhaven lacked social opportunities. Everything was small, including the locals' closed minds, overpopulated residential areas, and crammed schools. A blanket woven with community gossip and judgement spread wide over them all.
The pressure of small town life weighed on Simon. From experience, everyone expected him to be nice. If the dictionary had a visual representation of kindness, Simon's photograph would be on display, not that he would've appreciated it. The young man hated his babyish face and impish grin. Sharper, more mature features might have allowed him to say no more often and for it to be accepted.
Simon's friends believed his cup of kindness would always run over. That summer, they received it in abundance, until the boy broke. We all have darker natures we try to suppress. For a while, Simon kept his demons hidden.
Then came Friday 21 August 1992, when The Six disintegrated. Fights, betrayal, disappointment, and damning allegations signalled the end.
Kindness isn't infinite. That night, Simon killed kindness. He might have murdered a man, too. Simon can't tell anyone what happened. He was never seen again.
Intrigued? I am! (The link to purchase Killing Kindness is at the bottom)
Now to "meet" the lady herself.
Hi Lisa. Welcome. Tell me a bit about yourself. Have you always wanted to be a writer?
I'm a British author who writes in the crime, mystery, and psychological thriller genres. My fourth book, Killing Kindness, has been recently released.
I've always loved books and reading, but never dared to think I could be a writer. I've studied literature to Masters level and was an English teacher, thinking I could teach writing rather than doing it.
What can you tell me about your latest release, without giving away any spoilers?
The blurb explains it the best. Goodness knows we work on these blurbs hard enough!
Summer 1992: The Six, a group of teenagers, met in a disused mill every night. They thought they were invincible until Simon, a kind young man, disappeared.
Summer 2021: The Six - minus Simon - gather at the renovated mill for his memorial. The reunion begins and a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues. The body count rises. Someone is killing kindness. It's cruel to be kind...
Which of your characters do you like most? Why?
That's like asking a parent to choose their favourite child! That said there are characters from each of my books I like the most.
In Hidden, I have a lot of affection for Claire. She's outspoken but incredibly loyal to her friends and family.
In Trust, I admire Sarah for overcoming a troubled childhood to become a doctor and trying to trust people.
I don't like The Watcher in my novel of the same title but I love how devious this character is. I love writing villains!
Killing Kindness doesn't have a particular favourite character for me. I do like the group, The Six, though. I enjoyed taking them from being teenagers to adults.
Is there one particular person who inspired you to write?
I started to feel I might like to try writing a book. I happened to mention it to my husband but felt a little silly. He bought me a beautiful notebook and pen and told me to write. I didn't need permission, but it felt like someone believed in me. So, I began.
A cruel question, but what's your favourite book/who's your favourite author?
Wuthering Heights is my favourite book. From the moment I began studying it at school I was transfixed. I love the depth of description and character. Never have I read a book that matches it in passion, violence, and deep emotions, along with stunning scenery.
Going to Haworth, seeing the parsonage, and walking the moors was such a joy.
Tell me a bit about your approach to your writing. Are you a meticulous planner or do you tend towards letting your characters go with the flow?
By nature, I'm an organised person so I'm a total planner. It seems many writers nowadays are 'pantsers'; flying by the seat of their pants. I just can't do it! I need a plan and it is detailed. I allow flexibility, though, for the extra inspiration that always comes as I'm writing.
I love to write outdoors. Where's your favourite place to write?
I'm rather boring in that I need the discipline and routine of writing at my desk. It feels more like I'm settling down to write. I do get lots of writing ideas when I'm not at my desk, though. My phone is always full of notes!
What's the best piece of advice you've been given?
Don't write for publication. It will stifle your creativity and you won't write the book that only you can write.
What advice would you give to other aspiring authors out there?
You're only 'aspiring' if you don't write a single word. The moment you write your first word, you're a writer. Write. Learn about the craft by all means, but if you don't write you can't be an author. Sometimes we overcomplicate simple things.
How do you overcome writer's block?
Thankfully, I've not had it for any length of time. I have days when I don't feel up to writing. I rest because you have to give the mind space to refill.
Going for a walk, having a nap, watching TV, reading a book, many activities where I'm not forcing thinking can give my creative mind a jiggle.
I'm not of the school of thinking that you must write every day. For me, it's a 'rule' I've never adhered to. It's too prescriptive and doesn't factor in things like illness, needing rest, mental illness, commitments, and things that crop up in everyday life.
So, what's next creatively? Are you working on anything else just now?
I've got a couple of books in mind. No details at the moment!
Now, for a bit of fun:
Favourite food: Pasta
Favourite drink: Very boring – squash. I drink loads of it!
Favourite band: Too many to choose! I occasionally DJ so asking me to choose one band isn't possible!
Favourite holiday destination: I went to Rome on my honeymoon and loved it. I'd like to explore more of Italy in the future.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? Invisibility. Imagine all the things you'd see and hear! I could make mischief too.
I'd like to say a huge thank you to Lisa for taking time out of her schedule to talk to me this week. It's much appreciated
If you want to add Killing Kindness to your kindle, the link's below:
Killing Kindness: It's cruel to be kind eBook : Sell, Lisa: Kindle Store
If you want to check out Lisa's other books, the link to her Amazon author page is below: Lisa Sell: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
And if you want to keep up to date with Lisa's latest news, you can find her on Facebook using the link below
Lisa Sell, Author | Facebook
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