She couldn't believe it. Was it really him? It was the same feeling every time. This was perhaps the sixth time she'd been in this position. Each time she got nervous, became tongue tied then babbled like an idiot for a few seconds before her moment of opportunity passed.

She swore to herself that this time would be different. She'd hold it together. She could manage to have a short sensible "normal" conversation with him.

There was only one person in front of her in the queue. Her heart was pounding. She had her gift for him clutched in her hand. A 1978 original red vinyl copy of Gerry Raffety's City To City album. Would he like it? Did he already have it?

His assistant beckoned her into the small room.

There he was in front of her behind the counter. Heart pounding, she said, "Hi. How are you today?"

She gave him the gift, said it was one to add to his collection and that she hoped he didn't already have it then she asked if he could sign her ticket and the two CDs that she'd brought with her.

As he went to sign the first one, the Sharpie marker ran dry. His assistant was duly despatched to find the pencil case with some fresh pens.

They were alone in the room. Unsure what to say, she asked how it felt to see his name rather than a band's name on the cover of the record. He paused for a moment to think, smiled then said, "You know. you're the first person to ask me that. Feels kind of surreal but then, Coral, you know how that feels."

Her heart almost stopped.

This Continue The Story is based on one of my most precious memories. It tells the short tale of what happened at a "meet and greet" opportunity with a musician ( I'm loathe to use the term rockstar here) several years ago. Those who know me will have figured out who it was.

The part two to this happened several hours later as he returned to the small stage in The Garage, Glasgow for the encore. Before he started the last song of the night, he looked over to where I was standing with my friends and played a few bars of Baker Street. My heart melted.

Folk say "Don't meet your idols. It'll spoil the illusion". I beg to differ.