Eight years…. Has it really been eight years since I created this blog? Apparently.

I remember sitting down to write that first post clearly.  (In case you're a little late to the party, here's the link to it  Deep Breaths and Begin | Coral McCallum)

I remember the fear more than anything else. Would anyone want to read my blog? Would I be able to sustain posting once a week? What if I made a total fool of myself? What if folk laughed at me for creating a blog?

Every insecurity in the book was rattling through me!

Now, as I sit here eight years down the line, on the cusp of a new year, many of these insecurities are still rattling through me. Yes, I am still scared to let people read what I write. Yes, I do still fret about whether anyone would want to read what I write. Every time I hit "publish" on a blog post, a wave of fear crashes through me- some are little gentle waves; others are the kind surfers would die to ride.

When I started my blog, my first book baby was still in its early stages. At that time, having my name on the cover of a book still felt like an impossible dream but, here we are, six books later and with number seven on the way. (Yes, I know I've been saying that for months but it's coming! Hopefully, it's coming in Autumn 2022. No, I'm not quite ready to reveal its name...not yet.)

This blog has evolved over the years too, hopefully for the better. I've kept my word. I've posted at least once a week every week. (OK a few of those were "cheat" blogs that were barely more than a photo and a few words when life's been a tad manic, and I don't promise that there won't be more of those to come.)  If you've missed a few posts, they are all still there. (You can find them all in the Archives on the right.) The tabs along the top of the page split out the poems and short stories from the rest of the ramblings and the shop tab speaks for itself. (Hint…check it out if you've not read the Silver Lake series or Ellen.) There are even a few author newsletters too.

This year, I bit the bullet and changed the domain to www.coralmccallum.co.uk That was a bit of a surreal moment – I'm a .co.uk! LOL

I also created a podcast version of a selection of my blog posts. Missed that?  Here's the link Coral McCallum - indie author and blogger • A podcast on Anchor (No, its not my voice reading them you'll be glad to hear!)

As I have chased my dreams and pursued this creative journey, perhaps I've evolved too.  I'll leave that thought there….

So, what will 2022 hold? After the "delights" of the past two years, I'm almost scared to ask! I think I want to read the T's & C's carefully before I sign up to 2022!

What I do know though is that it will bring more blog posts, introduce you to more characters, showcase more photographic efforts and continue my musings and meandering as I chase those rainbows and dreams.

To all of you, especially those loyal souls who have been with me since the start, thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to support my creative pursuits. I couldn't do it without you. Your kind words, the "likes" on my author Facebook page (Coral McCallum | Facebook), the reviews of my book babies on Amazon and Good Reads, they all help to fuel the fires of creativity.

All that's left to say is all the best for 2022 when it arrives. May it be kind to us all. Stay safe.

Love n hugs

Coral   xxx