It's been a miserable week in US politics: vile weather1, the Supreme Court decisions, and the horror of the Trump/Biden debate. As people yesterday wished me Happy Fourth! I found myself wondering what, if anything, might make that possible in future years. Which led me to pondering what, if I had the power to temporarily bend a couple of dozen minds to my will, I could do that would make the most difference.
Can Joe Biden win? At this stage it looks unlikely. And if he keeps insisting he will run, then Democratic coffers are going to suffer as supporters withhold donations. This could mean lack of advertising in down-ballot races which is, to put it mildly, Not Good.
But what Democratic nominee at this late stage could win? A short list might include Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Pete Buttigieg, and Andy Beshear. My utterly amateurish and shoot-from-the-hip opinion? None of them could win at this late stage—there simply isn't time to build both name recognition and support. Unless, that is, they were running as an incumbent. In other words, Biden needs to resign or be removed as President, and, per the 25th Amendment, and with Biden's full and public support, let Harris assume the presidency.
[And ha! I just went searching for a link for '25th Amendment' and came across this New Yorker article—so I'm not the only one thinking this way. But screw it, I think it's a cool idea, so I think I'll publish this anyway. I'll just do it right now, today, instead of tomorrow as planned.]
Then there would be four months for the voters to see Harris as President. During which time every other Democrat on the planet could extoll the administration's very many—and, seriously, there are many—achievements, to which—as the New Yorker also points out—Harris can lay claim. I have zero doubt Kamala Harris would make a good President; my doubts are all about her 'electability', that is, the perception of whether she would make a good president. As sitting President she would simply glide past that "But could she do the job?" whingeing: she would be doing the job for all to see—and doing so with the kind of sharp energy we haven't seen since Obama was President.
So, yep, with the temporary power to bend minds I'd focus mine on Biden, Harris, and the Cabinet and get them to agree that Good Ol' Joe has a grave and incurable condition that renders him unable to perform his duties. Something like, say, hélikia astheneia2 or, if you prefer, senectutis infirmitas. Harris would become President, nominate a Vice-President (and, oh, that's a whole other blog post!), and the machine could move smoothly into full gear. Then we could all get on with making sure we don't lose what might be our last chance to save democracy in the United States.
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