Monster Jam is coming to town and I keep getting targeted ads on Instagram. While I debate spending big bucks on prime seats and pit party passes I thought this was a good time to share some Monster Jam-themed party ideas! For his third birthday, I let my toddler pick his celebration theme: mushroom and woodland vibes because we were going to celebrate at a park or monster trucks. The love for vehicles is strong with this one and I went all in with themed snacks and activities.
I designed the invitations and decor in Canva (which led me to subscribe to my own premium account because it's so fun and easy use!). We printed everything at home, but we also took a fieldtrip to our local FedEx to get some items laminated (and now I want a laminator).
We hosted the party at one of our favorite parks, and planned a few activities for our guests both little and grown. At the welcome table guests got to pick out a surprise monster truck name. If you're familiar with monster trucks, you'll know they all have fun, creative names! For these name tags my kid helped with picking out the truck images and coming up with names. Guests wore them like VIP passes, and I think it helped my little one warm up to his guests more easily - a toddler conversation starter, if you will.
Every station had a sign that described the activity, and every activity was Monster Jam, monster truck, or jam-related. 😀 We had a painting station set up with paint and used truck wheels as brushes. Guests could paint and take their truck art home with them as their party souvenir.
We also had monster truck bingo where the goal was to find something in nature/around that matched the colors of the trucks, and a jam session station with assorted instruments for folks to play.
Maybe my favorite activity to bring to life was a (mini) monster truck sensory bin. I baked flour to make it taste-safe and added cocoa powder to look more like monster truck arena dirt. We found mini monster trucks with animal heads at Daiso and pulled some blocks from our stash for building ramps. The traffic cones were both decorative and functional (to warn of a dip to the creek just steps away). The bin was a big hit with the littles, and we got to use it a few more times after the party. More on how to create your own in today's companion post.
And a little some thing else for the grown ups - jam tasting! We picked out four flavors of local jams to try. The raspberry lychee and jalapeño were top performers.
And speaking of snacks, we also had a build your own banh mi bar (my kid loves tofu, pickled carrots, and bread!) and stoplight fruit (red and yellow watermelon, and honeydew!) with option to stick them on a skewer for full stoplight effect. For 'cake' we did a tower of monster truck tires aka chocolate donuts from our favorite neighborhood donut shop; we got crullers, old-fashioned donuts, and chocolate donuts with sprinkles!
The big question is: Can I wait to see what my kid picks out for his next birthday theme? Yes, because that means he's growing up so fast, but also no, because I'm that mom. Eee! What other themed snacks or activities would you include for a monster truck themed celebration?
A special thank you for my forever set up-make things aesthetic-crafty bud Angel and my parents-in-law for bringing my vision to the park, and to our friends and family for showering my little with your love, support, and guidance! I love celebrating with you all and could not ask for a better pit crew!
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