Just another impromptu dinner using up leftovers. Also, Andrew suggested this one, a rice casserole with chicken. I just made it happen.
Cook the rice. over medium high heat bring 4 1/4 c water to a boil. When the water boils, add 2 c rice, stir briefly, turn burner down to medium and continue cooking.
When it looks like this check to see if there's still water below. If there is let it cook a little longer. Don't let it burn or it'll all small and taste of burnt rice.
Put the rice in a casserole dish. If there's too much just put a little in a small bowl for the parrot (he can have it when it cools) and some in a bowl for yourself to enjoy with butter and salt. Yum!
In a small pan saute some onions in a little olive oil. You can use butter but I'm running low on that right now.
If you have some, cut up and toss in a few mushrooms, too.
Add a can of Cream of Mushroom Soup.
Rinse the can with some wine. White is good, red will make it a bit purpleish, but that's OK since it's what I have tonight. About 1/2 a can to rinse it out is fine, or a bit more if you need to thin it down some.
Cut up some leftover chicken and put it on top of the rice. If you use rotisserie chicken and there's any aspic in the bottom of the bag (juice or, if it's cold, jelly), add it to the soup mixture.
Tuck in some broccoli or any other random vegies you happen to have.
Pour the soup mixture over the top and spread it out, making sure it covers the rice and stuff. If you have to use a spoon to poke holes in the rice to let the soup in, that's good, too.
Sprinkle on cheese of your choice (this is fiesta mix of Monterey jack and whatever) or place slices of any cheese you prefer around the top. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until the cheese melts and, if you like, browns a bit.
Serve with rolls, biscuits, bread or as is and the beverage of your choice. Makes a good, filling dinner and if there are any leftovers you can put them away in the freezer as individual portions for later.
This is also something simple enough for kids to make from leftovers, like I used to do for the kids when Mom and Dad were out. That's not a bad thing, older kids take care of younger kids like stronger people take care of weaker...noblesse oblige. Enough of lessons from childhood, enjoy dinner.
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