US editions of Ammonite (1993, 1996, 2002)
UK editions of Ammonite (1993, 2012)
Audiobook of Ammonite (2020)
Since the Esquire list thing I've had many emails and social media comments to the effect that, Damn, it's a shame the book's out of print! AMMONITE IS NOT OUT OF PRINT! It's been selling merrily for over 30 years; I get royalty cheques twice a year. It keeps getting rediscovered—for example at the beginning of the pandemic when viruses were a hot topic—and it's been a question in Trivial Pursuit (or was it Jeopardy? or maybe both?) and is still picked up now and then for bookclubs. I still get letters and email and DMs from readers testifying to its effect on their lives.
Here in the US it's published (as is Slow River—which next year will be celebrating its 30th anniversary of being continually in print) by Del Rey (part of Penguin Randomhouse)1 and is available in print, ebook, and audiobook. Available wherever books are sold. Though some smaller shops might not have it on their shelves—they tend toi privilege newer books for display) they can order it for you within a couple of days.
In the UK it's published by Orion (part of Hachette) as part of their Masterworks of SF series. Again, available wherever books are sold.
It's also been translated into 13 different languages (and won the Premio Italia for best novel translated into Italian) but frankly I forget in which countries it is or is not in print. (Translations tend to be for limited time periods; books are always going away from one publisher and reappearing from another. I stopped trying to track it a while ago.)
The screen rights, however, have just come back on the market so if you're interested in those, talk to my agent.
A perennial question about the book—Will there be a sequel?—has also had a resurgence in the last few days. I've spent 30 years saying, No, absolutely not. I felt I had said all I had to say about Marghe and Jeep and Company and gender and viruses. But last year I realised I'd left something unexplored. So it's possible, other commitments permitting, that one day I'll write a followup. If I do it wold most likely be a novella. We'll see.
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