Don't you love the smell of fresh flowers, and the rebirth of the world once spring arrives? Everything around Raven Central is in bloom and we've been doing a lot of work in the garden, getting beds cleaned out and seeds into the ground. …
Don't you love the smell of fresh flowers, and the rebirth of the world once spring arrives? Everything around Raven Central is in bloom and we've been doing a lot of work in the garden, getting beds cleaned out and seeds into the ground.
And what better way to welcome in the spring than a new birth in the extended family.
So, before we get into the regular pimping of books and the events that you can find the Ravens at, I'd like to take a minute to Congratulate Founding Raven Benjamin Tyler Smith and his wife Camille on the arrival of their daughter, Frederica Brielle Smith, 19 inches long, 6 pounds and 13 ounces. So if you catch him on the Discord server or any of the socials, make sure to give him a holler and congratulate them on their new bundle of joy!
Now, onto our latest news!
If you are a fan of the Trailer Park anthology series, then you are in luck! Today is release day for It Came From the Trailer Park Volume 3.5, A special edition with more great stories to take you on an adventure. And don't forget that for every copy of Trailer Park Volume 3.5 sold this week, we will donate $1 to the Shepherd's Men veterans charity.
You just couldn't look away could ya?
Kinda like that trainwreck that is your family reunion?
We've got more action packed away in these pages than your cousin Betty Sue down at the corner, with tales of Aliens, Ghosts, Giant Critters, Time Travel, Vampires, VooDoo and more.
With stories by: Melissa Olthoff, Jennifer Roberts, D. Alan Lewis, David A. Anthony, D.W. Milton, Brisco Woods, Sherri Mines, Katie Ess, Megan Taylor, Josh Van Zile, Philip K. Booker, William Joseph Roberts and Kevin J. Anderson.
Jump into this surprise edition of It Came From the Trailer Park, boots first.
And as a bonus, the guys from Buck Bald Brewing worked their magic to create a special craft beer for this release and the Murphy Music and Brews festival coming up in two weeks.
And the Trailer park series now has an officially licensed theme song, Written and performed by the band Revolution-X! Give these guys some love and tell em Hillbilly sent ya!
New Audio release!
If you are a fan of anything written by Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, or Piers Anthony, I'm sure you're going to fall in love with Zoomers, a John Drake Satire. It's one part Hitchikers guide, another part Doctor who, and slathered full of memorable characters and outrageous situations. Any fan of classic British science fiction will be hooked.
Here's the blurb.
There is a problem with life.
It's ending. All of it. Everywhere.
The sort of people who know about these things think, on balance, that something should be done about it. The good news is that the head of planet Arcadia's Zooming Division, General Buck, has a plan. The bad news is he hasn't really thought it through.
When Professor Doubt Zooms a morally-inclined burglar, Scratch, from the English town of Southend-on-Sea to Arcadia in the Promantary Nebula he is more surprised than his subject to discover three more life forms have made the journey from Earth with him.
One of them is Mr Raisbeck, a stuffy middle-class Englishman who seems more concerned about missing the delivery slot for his new sofa than his trip through space and time. He and Scratch must single-handedly save all life in the universe with nothing more than their bewildered confusion and a copy of the best-selling book of the third millennium, Lady Bumpkins And The Case Of The Knotted Artichoke.
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