I have been recording Pride events in Europe sine 1`992. in photography and video, Now in in International photo books. My work is about understanding peop…
Love Summer Time TV WorldWideChris Summerfield Photography Video Documentary Viral
March 9
I have been recording Pride events in Europe sine 1`992. in photography and video, Now in in International photo books. My work is about understanding people and who they are. Our present political and legal system was set up before people could talk instantly across the World. It was designed to keep the lower classes under control whilst those in power could behave the way they wanted. Setting up the public against each other instead of trying to understand each other. Which is what is happening now, as the old system is breaking down very quickly and people are turning against each other. My work is about the happy constructive side of life. Trying to promote healthy and positive outlook with constructive lifestyle in all walks of life. Its our very special planet. We need to work together in order to save it and us.
Check out the book from @BlurbBooks: : #Sitges_Spain
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