The beautifully redecorated Southern Theatre will have a gala reopening Friday night at 8 o'clock.
For several months much time and expense has been put into making the Southern one of the finest. theatres to be found anywhere.
Patrons at the theatre will first notice ils enlarged capacity. There are now approximately 500 new seats with spring cushions offering tops in comfort. The seats are of rust color with the very latest in ribbed velour cushioned backs.
The auditorium, lounges and foyer are completely redecorated in soft tones of rose. Completely new lighting, heating, and ventilating systems have been installed. The projection facilities and sound equipment are the latest types.
In addition, there are new carpeting and curtains in harmonizing shades throughout the theatre.
The Southern Theatre will be open every night of the week with a new program starting Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. Matinees will be held on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons with continuous shows on Sundays and holidays.
The management has announced that advantageous contracts have been signed with the major film producing companies which will result in the latest and best in film fare coming to the Southern.
(All articles originally published in the Norwood Messenger)
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