Murray Eleven Rolls Up 50 Points on Weymouth Unbeaten Team Has Allowed Only One Touchdown This Season
Coach Bennie Murrays Norwood High football team completed Its season undefeated by winning its final game, against Weymouth, 50 to 0, on the local gridiron today.
Only one touchdown mars a perfect performance- that by Walpole High in the opening contest of the year. Forward passes played havoc with Weymouth. Kavanaugh provided most of the trills In the contest, although Dixon also did well.
The former made a dozen runs of 40 and 50 yards, while the forward passing of the latter featured.
The summary: NORWOOD HIGH-Joba Donovan, Kelle-8r. le; Barrett. R. Crosby.
It; Altonen, Frasier. Hayes. Iff: Hauck. ODonnell, e; Doble. McMolty.
Williamson. Taylor, rg; Cottrell. Barry, rt: Dixon. Martin, re; John 'Donovan. Kay Montizano.
Ob; Kavanauffb. Abbott, lhh; FoieT. Rich. rbb: Jasioois. G.
Crosby, Flaherty, fb. WETMOCTH HIGH DePlaeilio. Adamson, le: DeCosta. rt; Jacobson. White, rg: McCulloch.
Towrey. c: Mazzola. McDonald lg; Furdv. It: Valicenti. Chalmers, le; Weir, Fmltb.
Kelley, qb; McIntosh, 'rbb; H. White, lhh; Dixon, fb. Score by period t 2 8 4 Total Norwood ............. 18 13 0 19 o0 Touchdown made, by Jaalonla. Kavanaugh 4.
Cottrell. John I 'onovan. D. Croaby. Point hr goal after touchdown made, by John Donovan.
Points by rush. D. Croaby. Befcree, O'Connell. Boston Collette.
Umpire. Clark, Springfield. J-ineaman, White, Princeton. Time, four 11m periods..
(All articles originally published in the Norwood Messenger)
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