These news items were the talk of the town on September 30, 1904
Touched by Frost.
Nelson B. White, the distinguished grape culturist, suffered the loss of nearly all his grapes by the recent fall frosts, the valuable cultural and experimental work of a year being thus largely destroyed.
While David Ellis of Ellis was driving home from Boston last Wednesday afternoon with a load of grain, his horses became frightened by an automobile and ran. Mr. Ellis was thrown from his wagon and was considerably bruised about the head and face. It is reported that his injuries are not considered serious or dangerous.
Married at Wollaston, Mass. Wednesday September 21, by Rev. Mr. Pratt of that place, Miss Sarah Elizabeth Flagg and Harold Winthrop Baker of Norwood. The bride is a former employee of the Norwood Press and a young lady who is deservedly popular with all who know her. The groom is bookeeper at the bindery of E. Fleming it Co. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will reside at No. 27 Douglass Avenue.
Opening of Foot Ball Season.
The football season will open at Prospect Park next Saturday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The game will be between the Norwood Athletic Club team and the Defender Athletic club team of Cambridge. A. W. Coombs of Foxboro, who is well-known as a fine player has signed with the Norwood A. C's. Ernest Winslow of Walpole who was expected to sign with the Norwood team has made good with the Brown University team.
A Step Up.
Many friends who regret to lose exsuperintendent R. J. Fuller from town, will rejoice at his good fortune in securing a superintendent's position in a larger field and with a higher salary than he received in this town. Mr. Fuller was proving a good citizen of the town and was universally popular. It is believed that he has secured a position well suited to his high character and fine social qualities.
A High School Glee Club.
A High School boys' glee club has been organized under the auspices of Mr. Winslow, the new commercial teacher, who is showing a great interest in all departments of boy's work in the school. Harold Kiley has been elected secretary and treasurer of the new club. There are rumors of the proposed composition of a high school song with an original air and original words and, altogether, the the music loving boys are interested in an aggressive and progressive effort in the musical line which promises much.
High School Athletics.
The Norwood High School Athletic Association was organized last Monday and will do a great deal for the encouragement of athletic sports during the coming season. Harry W. Ryan was chosen manager of the High School football team and Horace Roby manager of the base ball team, the position formerly held by Oliver Pray, now removed from town. The manager elected for the girls' basket ball team was Miss Amy E. Wolfe. The several teams elect their own captains, being Alfred Atwood captain of the foot-ball team. Miss Dorothy Smith was elected captain of the girls' basket ball team. An adjourned meeting of the association will be held next Monday evening at which a captain and a manager of the boys' basket ball team will be elected.
The Mission for Men.
The renewal of the mission of last year by Redemptorist Fathers of Roxbury at St. Catherine's church, has been highly successful and very largely attended. The mission for women closed last Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Rev. Fr. Gunning delivered the closing sermon. This was followed by a renewal of the baptismal vows. The baptismal font was placed upon the altar and the stole and baptismal register were there; The altar was very finely decorated. The solemn vows and promises made at the time of baptism were renewed by the women present. Nearly 900 women received Holy Communion during the mission. The mission for men opened at 7.30 o'clock Sunday evening with a sermon by Rev. Fr. Corr. There has been a very large attendance of men during the week, the largest known in the history of the parish. The missioners have proved unusually popular teachers and preachers and have gained the confidence and good will of the people to a remarkable extent. The mission will be closed next Sunday evening with solemn Benediction.
In St. Paul's church, Boston st 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Miss Mary Openshaw of Norwood was united in marriage to Ernest William Starker of East Walpole, the wedding being solemnized by the rector, Rev. Edward Tillotson. The bridesmaids were Miss Martha Openshaw, sister of the bride and Miss Florence Dibb of Waltham, consin of the groom. The best man was Thomas Gilmore Henderson of East Walpole. The ushers were Roland Pegram of Dedham and David Dunlop of Allston. The usual and beautiful service of the Episcopal Church was used. The bride was attired in a white muslin en traƮne trimmed with lace and satin ribbons. She wore a bridal veil and orange blossoms and carried bride roses. The bridesmaids were gowned in cream nuns veiling and carried pink roses. The wedding was followed at 3 o'clock by a dinner and reception at Brigham's hotel. Wedding guests were present from Boston, Forest Hills, Dedham, Allston, Waltham, East Walpole, Norwood, Stoughton and other places. Wedding presents were numerous and beautiful and included a large quantity of silver, china and cut glass ware, furniture and bric-a-brac. Notable presents were a very handsome lady's dressing table presented by the bride's shopmates at the Plimpton Press and a beautiful lady's writing desk, the gift of the bride's sister. The happy couple left Wednesday afternoon for a wedding trip of two weeks, a portion of which will be devoted to a visit to relatives of the groom in New Rochelle, New York, The groom is an employee of F. W. Bird & Son and well known and popular in East Walpole and Norwood. The bride is one of the prettiest of blondes and has made hosts of friends here and in East Walpole where she was born and grew up to womanhood. Many good wishes will attend both the young people. On their return from their wedding journey they will take up their residence at Maple and Cottage streets, Norwood. most artistically realistic was found in her description of the troubles the Jonsos had with their telephone. The honors of solo work in the quartette were pretty equally divided between the two altos Miss A. Gertrude Worster and Miss Anna L. Whitcomb. Miss Worster has a very attractive stage presence, a voice of much sweetness and naturalness and a most perfect enunciation. Every word was as distinct as in conversation. Miss Whitcomb has a voice almost masculine in strength and truly feminine in flexibility. She makes an admirable quartette leader and almost equal praise belongs to Misses Hattie A. Magoun and Jennie A. Worster, the first and second sopranos. Miss Gertrude Worsteds rendition of "Visions of Home" was a gem and the quartette gave in a thoroughly delightful way the always popular selection "The Song that I Hear in my Dreams." The four ladies have voices that blend admirably and all four are highly efficient in solo work. Their repertory is a decidedly varied one introducing topical songs, ballads, sentimental songs and the most catchy comic ditties. Many who heard the quartette on Memorial Day were delighted to hear them again in that uproariously funny selection "Jenkses Vegetable Compound." As the quartette sang on such an unfavorable night it might well pay them to visit Norwood again in the near future.
Post 169 "Associates"
What is the object of " Post Associates" of the G. A. R. ? I have been asked this queston a number of times. Briefly I will state that the object is to unite the patriotic spirit of the citizens with that of the Grand Army in this way. Any man who loves his country and flag can become a Post Associate irrespective of party or creed. Here, then is the rallying point of patriotic sentiment in the community. This affiliation gives opportunity for the expression of that spirit as it has not been given heretofore. The soldiers of the civil war do not claim all the credit of saving the union. Every man who was loyal to his country and supported the men in the field has his share in the honor attending that result of the war. Moreover, many of our citizens today were not born until after that severe struggle for the nation's existence had transpired. Had they been here then of required age, they too would have been in the ranks and many of them been shot down in battle, died in prison or injured for life. This, then is the crystallization of that loyalty and love to country which exists today as intensely and really as it did in (51—5. It is customary to have a badge for each associate, that he will be as proud of as the Grand Army man is of his. This will no doubt be the case here in the near future. The "Associates," it is well understood, are not members of the G. A. R. They do not attend its regular meetings. At the social meetings of the Post they are always welcome and on public occasions of the Post, they are expected to bo present and take any part assigned them. This, however, is not compulsory. Each associate pays $5 at the time ho joins and five dollars annual dues as long as he is identified with this order. Should the members of this affiliation choose to organize themselves into a body there is no objection and it might bo well to do so. What the future of "Associates" will be after the Post has ceased to exist will be determined by their own wishes and course in the matter. G. W. NEAD, For Committee.
Schubert Quartette Concert.
The Schubert ladies quartette concert last evening would have been much more largely attended had it not been for the storm. As it was many friends of the George K. Bird post, (!. A. R. bought tickets who did not attend. Those who did attend felt well repaid for doing so for it is seldom that four ladies have ever sung together in Norwood who sung so delightfully. Encores were frequent and the audience gave its hearty approval to all the performers and to the whole programme. Mrs, Hester B. Holmes, reader, caught the good will of the audience at once. Iler selections were largely new ones and she has a particularly vivid and dramatic stylo. She is not especially strong in dialect but in presenting characters to an audience in such a way that they actually seem to stand before them she shows some of the best gifts of a trained elocutionist. All of her selections were of a light and popular and more or less humorous nature and perhaps her strongest presentation of real every-day 'people and of rm idents which seemed
Frank C. Dexter, employed by W. D. Huntoon, cut his left thumb quite badly while at work cutting some zinc, severing two arteries and otherwise lacerating the thumb. His injuries are likely to confine him to the house for about a week but are not considered dangerous.
Miss Oldham cordially invites the ladies of Norwood and vicinity to attend her fall millinery opening Monday and Tuesday October 3rd and 4th. Dr. E. C. Norton is spending a vacation at Nantucket with Henry B. Endicott of Dedham and other well-known gentlemen. Following the rule of last season, ladies will be admitted free to all the Norwood A. C. football games at Prospect park this season. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Power, residents on the Harlow Pond place, Maple street, are soon to leave Norwood and will probably remain in Boston this winter. It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. James E. Keyes both of whom formerly living here, will return to Norwood to reside. Mrs. Keyes was formerly Miss Florence Walker.
Austin E. Pratt discovered this week among the relics of old times at his own home, a fireman's hat badge, bearing the legend, "Foreman, Washington 8, Medford, presented to Capt. J. W. Mitchell by his friends." Mr. Pratt has presented the badge to the Medford Historical society.
A cat at the Norwood bakery while in search of information this morning immersed itself in a kerosene tank. The animal was rescued from its dangerous position and was restored to normal condition and civilizing influence through the kindly skill of manager Daboll.
Unclaimed letters for the week ending September 24, 1904.
Miss Nellie Davis, 13 Place St. (P. M.)
Mrs. Richard Walden Hale, Strawberry Hill.
Mrs. C. W. Mason, Union St.
Miss Bessie Shane.
Mr. James Hannam.
Mr. Joseph Master, 158 Washington St. (P. C.)
Mr. Matthew McCabe, 391 Walpole St.
J. W. Pinney.
Mr. George Sexton, 391 Walpole St., 2.
Mr. John A. Smith.
Mr. Ernest A. Svensou.
Mr. Worthington, Everett Ave.
Notice To Voters.
Town of Norwood, Mass, September 16,1904.
Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Registrars of Voters will be in session at the Selectmen's rooms, Bigelow Block, on October 13th, from 7.30 to 11 o'clock, p m .October 20th, from 7.30 to 9 o'clock, p.m., and October 29th, from 12 o'clock noon to 10 o'clock p.m. m for the purpose of receiving evidence of the qualification of persons claiming a right to vote at the election to be held on November 8th, 1904, and of correcting the list of voters
See that your name is on the Voting List of your town; If not there, call at the office of the Board ot Registrars on the days above men. Honed, and be registered, or you cannot vote.
CHAPTER 518. Section 47 Every male applicant for registration shall present a tax bill or notice from the collector of taxes, or a certificate from the assessors showing that he was assessed as a resident of the city or town on the preceding first day of May, or a certificate that he became a resident therein at least six months preceding the next election, and the same shall be accepted by the registrars as prima facie evidence of his residence.
All persons whose names are stricken from the voters' list for any lawful reason, will, before they can again have their names placed upon said list, be required to register their names lit the time hereinbefore stated in like manner as new voters.
Naturalized citizens presenting themselves for registration must bring their naturalization papers with them.
If a qualified voter ot this town whose name was on the voters' list last year, and who has been assessed for the current year, finds after the close of registration that his name is not placed on the voters' list of the current year, by reason of having been omitted by clerical error or mistake, he may upon personal application have his name placed upon the voting list, or if application be made on the day of the election, he may have a certificate to vote.
No name can be added to the voters' list (except to correct omissions made by clerical error or mistake) after ten (10) o'clock ot the evening ot October 29th, at which time registration {closes.
By order of the Board of Registrars of Voters.
13 Board of Registrars of Norwood.
By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed given by William A. Long and Blanche A. Long to Benjamin B. Whittemore, deled December 23rd, 1902, and recorded with Norfolk Deeds, Lib. '181, Folio 484, will be sold at public auction on the premises on Monday, the twenty-fourth day of October, 1904, at eleven thirty o'clock in the forenoon, all anil singular the premises conveyed by said mortgage deed, namely — a certain parcel of land In Norwood, in the county of Norfolk, In said Commonwealth, being lot numbered seventeen (17) on a plan of land belonging to Mary M. Morse by Garbett & Wood, Surveyors, dated October 20th, 1886, and recorded with Norfolk Deeds, book 584, page 592, said parcel being bounded and described according to said plan as follows :—
Southeasterly by Youngs Avenue and a three-foot strip of land at the westerly end of said avenue near the stone wall, in all measuring three hundred and eighty and 5-10 ( 380.5) feet; northeasterly by Weld Avenue about four hundred (400) feet; northerly by land of owner unknown to me and southwesterly by the old stone wall and land now or late of Morse as shown on said plan. Said premises will be sold subject to any and all unpaid liens, taxes, and assessments. $50.00 will be required to be paid In cash by the purchaser at time and place of sale.
F. W. BROWN, Solicitor,
55 Kilby street, Boston, Mass.
(Originally published in the Norwood Advertiser and Review)
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