These news items were the talk of the town on August 1, 1902
Mrs. George W. Nead with her sous Carroll and George W. Nead, Jr., left for Southport last Monday and will be there for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Chadbourne of Boston area visiting at the home of Mrs. Chadbourne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tebbetts, Chapel Street.
Miss Ethel Metcalf is visiting friends in Bridgewater for a few weeks.
A delegation from Norwood Lodge, No. 38, A. O. U. W., attended the special exercises of Medfield Lodge in Medfield Monday evening.
George W. Gehintiu and family will not remove from town for the present, though they may conclude to do so three months hence.
Miss Kate Gehman will retain her position at W. B. Hastings & Go.
Miss Edith Newton resumed her duties at Miss C. F. Gay's periodical store Monday, having completed her annual vacation.
Miss Inez Dryden has been clerking at the store during Miss Newton's absence.
D. D. Charles F. Spear and suite of Hyde Park last Friday evening installed the following officers of Onward Lodge, No. 144, K. of P.: C. C., John M. Mutch; V. C., James Balfour, Jr.; P. C., B. F. Harris; Prelate, W. Theodore Bishop; M.of W., Kenneth McDonald; A., C. James Donovan; K. of R. and S,, C. H. Carter; M. of F.t A. F. A. Schulz; M. of E., Elton O. Clark; I. G., Walter Wildes; O. G., Fred R. Stockford. Speech-making and refreshments followed. The lodge starts out on its new term with much harmony among members and very good prospects.
Miss A. F. Hubbard has removed from 888 Washington Street to Marlboro.
There was a very pretty wedding at the Baptist parsonage Monday evening, July 28. The contracting parties were Mr. Fred Thompson of Westwood and Miss Olive Belle Webber of Norwood. William O. Thompson was best man and Miss Louisa Webber, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The happy couple will reside in our midst.
There was another pretty wedding at the Baptist parsonage this week Wednesday evening. The contracting parties were Mr. Frederick W. Gar-ratt and Miss Elizabeth E. Cope. They were accompanied by the groom's mother and sister. Rev. Geo. W. Nead officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Gar-ratt will reside in Norwood and their many friends wish them a long and happy married life.
Died in Norwood, July 28, Helen Fredora Hancock, aged 1 year, 8 months. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev. Geo. W. Nead. Interment at Mount Hope cemetery.
Miss Margaret E. Crowley leaves on Monday for an extended trip to Kentucky.
Miss Agnes E. Crowley left Thursday for a month's visit at Cottage City.
It may interest the people of Norwood to know that Harold E. Fales, Esq., who delivered the address at the unveiling of the tablet in memory of Capt. Aaron Guild, is descended from one of the old South Dedham families, being a great-grandson of Hepsibeth Everett, who, according to the South church records, was baptized by Rev. Thomas Balch, Feb. 13, 1763, and married to Aaron Clark Fales of Wrentham, July 3, 1783, by Rev. Jabez Chickering.
Miss Stella M. Drew is the guest of Mrs. T. F. Randlett.
James B. Frazier of Norwood has been employed by the Boston Elevated railway company as a conductor. He is running on the South Boston line.
Joseph Lavine', who is already out on probation for drunkenness, was arrested by Chief of Police Winslow of Walpole yesterday, and turned over to Constable Readel of Norwood. Lavino is accused of overdriving a horse Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Chas. Pcmbcr of Walpole is visiting Norwood friends.
Miss Sadie Corbett leaves for Southport this evening.
Charles F. Ide and daughter, Miss Annie, of Providence, R.I., have been visiting Mr. Ide's brother, Arthur L, Ide, of Cottage Street.
Mrs. George E. Stewart has returned from a visit to Onset Bay.
Joseph Roby, Lewis Jenkins, and Edwin A. Briggs celebrated Old Home Day by calling on another old-timer, Isaac Ellis.
Miss Bertha Nead Jias returned from lier Maine trip.
Adolphus Holton left last nght for a visit to his old home in Hardwick, Vt.
Erastus W. Talbot has gone to Northfield to visit his brother, Dr George Talbot.
Miss Maggie Mitchell is visiting friends at Reading, Mass.
Miss Gertrude Farnsworth returned last evening from a visit of several weeks to relatives and friends in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Arthur Cheney has gone to Old Orchard Beach, Me., for two weeks.
Edmund Elston, Sr.,.of New York is visiting at the home of his son on Cross street.
Miss Maria Ingraham, bookkeeper at the Smith tannery, is on her vacation to Block Island.
The family of E. J. Shattuck go this week to Maine to spend the month of August camping in the woods.
The residence of E. E. Winslow has been beautified with a new and lighter coat of paint.
The residence of James Berwick is being newly painted.
Mrs. J. C. Laue came from her summer home in Gloucester to attend Old Home Day.
R. W. Williamson of New York was a guest here this week.
Chas. Locke, son of Hon. W. E. Locke, was in town Wednesday. He is in business in Bridgewater.
Miss Figg of Alameda, Cal., has been visiting Mrs. B. F. Colburn.
A new concrete driveway is being built at the residence of Geo. F. Willett.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Winslow left Saturday for the mountains, to be absent during August.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Colburn and Hon. W. E. Locke left today for Falmouth Heights, where they will stay at the Terrace Gables for a fortnight.
Win.G. Gordon is al Union Village, Vt., for two weeks.
George Wells and Miss Orna Fortier took part in the Traveler Century run Sunday. Their time was seven hours.
Norwood Ooininandery, U. O. G. S., enjoyed themselves at Westwood Park on Saturday, having as guests Hope and South Boston commanderies.
The five months old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Belcher died last Sunday after a brief illness. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. B. Eddy.
(Originally published in the Norwood Advertiser and Review)
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