My local supermarket has started a little counter where they offer sushi. Raw fish rolled in rice. Now I know what this can be like. Daughter took us to a place in LA where it was superb. Try saying that whilst pretending to be Shaun Connery. I wonder what he would have done with the line : "Shall we share some sushi Cyril? " I shushpect you should shtep away . I digress. Firmly of the opinion that your eyes do the eating I was taken in by some sushi, shalmon and avocado rolls. Shorry, doing a Shaun again. I'll shtop. Now. I bought a small packet which was on special offer, reduced, a mug for a bargain, but who's the mug when you get home and it tastes like tiny bits of fishy j cloth. Well moi, of course. Special offer sushi on its last day, not a good idea. £3.50! Never a bargain if it's s**t.
I see that some super scooper banking chief has stepped down after she dropped herself in the supermarket sushi, by chucking out some dire politician ( can't bring myself to say his name ) because he is a dire politician. Frankly they deserved each other. She is lucky enough to have trousered a few million quid in bonuses for keeping out of supermarket sushi for a few years after the banking crisis. Here we are with food banks and the like and someone walks away with enough cash in her own bank to feed a small village. Bonkers.
The easiest thing in the world is to grumble, so let's try not to now. Feel sorry for the poor England footballer who's had to step back after injuring her knee at the Women's WC Finals. Does anyone else find that title slightly uncomfortable? Is not a Woman's WC somewhere for women to go to to make themselves comfortable. I digress again. Seems to me that one should feel a little sorry for the woman who has to fill the star player's boots. She hardly gets a mention. I hope she does well. The big Aussie women's star has also been out with injury, but announces she's back, shoving out her replacement who barely gets a mention. In the school line up for playground football, where in my day, you lined up then two random team captains picked the team from what looked like a criminal identification parade, I was generally picked close to last amid muttering that as I was a fatty I could go in goal. If there was an uneven number the poor sap left behind was forced to either be the substitute or go off and finish a jig saw or worse: play chess. It's tough in football.
Celebrating I am again, the art of the artists. A programme on TV has had the genius idea of getting some first rate artists to make portraits of some so called ordinary people in the NHS. A black doctor who repairs young people who have been injured by violence was sculpted by a fine sculptor from North Wales : James and sculptor Nick Elphick. Staggering result, superb programme, could have been twice as long with more detail as the heads ( he did a lot of them ) came to life. The next a portrait painter: Jemisha Maadhavji painted Grace a young woman who works as an A&E doctor despite being in a wheelchair herself, the result of a bizarre accident where a man fell from three floors of a shopping centre on to her. It put her in a wheelchair and saved his life. The resulting portrait was absolute triumph. Her story of getting over and living with her disability was inspiring and moving. The portrait managed to 'get' her perfectly, I hope she gets to keep it. Brilliant.
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