Chloe 6 min. Hurrah. We had lots of time. Hmm just noticed has three fingers. Oops
Almost forgot to post. Another zippy hour. 150 attendees across the world.
Of course we are all at loose ends since our fearless leader Chloe is going on hiatus for August vacation. Such a French thing to do.

Janice. 4:26 min
I was sad the top of her head did not make out screen. Such a great challenging pose. At least I got all her fingers lol.
Thanks for all the fun Chloe and our 12 models.

Terry 2 min 26 sec.
A sweet quiet pose.

Michelle. 3:14 min.
That hair!! Loved it. I admit i did a screen shot so i could finish her great shirt

Hank 4:17 min
A tough draw for this zany pose. One eye shit and his mouth twisted. We marveled he held the pose so well.

Friends 5:40 min
These should be called double trouble. Tough to get it done in the time allotted but I did. I did paint the windows in later. Also tough taking a photo of it. The cobalt blue on the right face kept reading very dark and its not.

Shanna 3:59 min.
I know odd length of time. But its only the length of whatever song is playing. Another sweet quiet pose. And her wrap not enough time to do its bright colors justice.
Watercolor splattered on with a 1" flat and 3/8 Saber brush over my cheap general charcoal pencil quin burnt orange, quin rose, manganese and ultramarine, burnt umber

My sweet friend Mike Gant my cohort and travel buddy in our watercolor journey. 5:40 min
Bytw her chin is pink NOT brownish as in the photo. Curse my iphone.

Katherine ? Min
A lovely interesting pose. Love the flip on her hair.

Chloe again 2.39 min
Her Sinead tribute. I dont know why I gave her a rose colored dress. She had on a dark figured dress.

Victoria 4 min
One of my favs. She had a great sweater on the exact color of my Cheap Joes Andrews Turquoise. Win!! Lovely grey and black softly curling hair.

Rachel 4 min
Another fav of mine. Great interesting short hair going grey. Glasses and interest clothes. I was hitting my stride to draw and paint all that in FOUR min.

Lou 3 min.
And zip we were done.
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