Seven young troopers dropped into the Free Press office this week to report on the Children's Musical Revue which is being staged in the Social Hall of the Civic Building next Wednesday evening, July 1st, at 7 o'clock The cast of the musical is made up, not of club members, but just girls of the Railroad avenue neighborhood, all pupils of St Catherine's school, who want to help along the work of the Red Cross.
All profits, the girls explained, will be given to the Red Cross. The program will be made up of dances and songs, a sort of cantata. The cast will be in costume and with the program of a military flavor, the chorus will open with "Remember Pearl Harbor" and close with "God Bless America."
After the program, there will be refreshments and dancing, maybe with an orchestra. The girls had arranged for the use of Social Hall at the Municipal Building and were already selling tickets which they had made themselves. Admissions are 11 cents for children and 17 cents for adults.
The seven leading lights in arranging the show are Jane Collins, Barbara and Catherine Dowd, Ellen Foley, Margaret Flood, Rosemary Feeney, and Betty Adams. Others helping are the Sansone sisters, Mary Keady and Phylis Feeney.
(All articles were originally published in the Norwood Messenger unless otherwise noted)
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