Will Display Thunder jet On Final Day

TO BE HERE FOR NORWOOD AIRPORT WEEK — New 300 mile-an-hour Martin Airliner, now In service on the routes of Trans World Airlines, will be at Norwood Airport for the big air show Sunday, June 21, and may be viewed from noon until 2:30 p.m. TWA now has 52 Martin aircraft on its domestic routes. The ship has a passenger capacity of 40 and Is the first production airliner stressed for use of turboprop engines when these advanced power plants are released by the military for commercial service.
Anticipating a crowd of more than 10.000 at Norwood Airport Sunday, the Norwood Airport Commission has made plans for parking an almost unlimited number of automobiles on the outskirts of the field as the town winds up its week-long celebration of Norwood Airport Week with an all-day air show. The show is in observance of the Golden Anniversary of powered flight proclaimed recently by Governor Herter. The events are open to the public without charge.
The Air Force has announced that it will display a GOO-mile-an-hour Thunderjet fighter plane at the field all day. Visitors will be able to mount a platform beside the heavily-gunned ship and peer into the cockpit to see the instruments and firing controls.
One of the most interesting exhibits is expected to be the comparative performance of helicopters and the new Helioplane, which is manufactured in Canton, Mass.
The newest in airline transport ships will be exhibited from noon on. There will be dozens of smaller planes of nearly every make on view.
An elaborate jet engine display by General Electric will be on hand as the Navy's Quonset Point model aircraft carrier, 44 feet long, and mounted on a huge trailer, is expected to attract much attention.
Several military aircraft, including jets, will fly into the field during the day.
A great variety of equipment has been set up for public display in the main hangar and the admimstratíon building It includes cutaway engines, the newest in drag parachutes (used for slowing down fast jet aircraft after landing), a special table used by the ground observer corps for tracking airplanes, radio and electronics displays, an elaborate apparatus which continuously produces complete weather maps. Coast Guard rescue equipment, and many other items.
A "night before" hangar dance for pilots and plane owners will be held in the new hangar at the Norwood Airport Saturday. Many of the pilots are expected to fly in and stay overnight.
In what is believed the first event of its kind, the executives of manufacturing and industrial plants in and near Norfolk County will gather for a hangar luncheon at the Norwood Airport Friday to examine many different types of airplanes available for executive travel and to hear a talk on the use of so-called "executive type" aircraft by William D. Strohmeier of New York City, airplane pilot and vice president of Davis-Parsons, Inc., New York advertising agency Everything from a Douglas DC-3 airliner for executive use down through the smallest 4-seater offered by manufacturers for this type of travel will be on display. The types also will include the Lockheed, The English DeHavilland Dove, Grumman Mallard Amphibian, Twin Beechcraft, Navion, Bonanza, Piper Pacer, and several others.
The visitors will be guests of Wiggins Airways, local service airline which has sponsored the unique "executive luncheon" as a feature of the fifth day of the week's activities at Norwood Airport. Wiggins and Northeast Airlines will display ships on the field, among the many others.
Perfume from Paris and keepsakes from Mexico will be among numerous gifts flown to Boston by international airlines for a hangar dance at Norwood Airport Saturday night. The presents will be distributed by drawing slips for a hat as pilots and plane owners gather in the new hangar at the field for a "night before" dance heralding the all-day air show Sunday.
(All articles were originally published in the Norwood Messenger unless otherwise noted)
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