[New post] This Day in Norwood History-June 22, 1895-Ben Franklin’s Press Exhibited at Norwood’s Gala Day
georgenhs posted: " AS THE ADVERTISER MAN SAW AND ENJOYED THE DAY'S DOINGS. A Grand Parade of G.A.R. Post No. 169, Fire Department, N.H.S. Battalion, School Children in Barges, Leading Industries, Handsomely Decorated Carriages, etc., Sport at Prospect Park, Grand Concer" Norwood Historical Society
A Grand Parade of G.A.R. Post No. 169, Fire Department, N.H.S. Battalion, School Children in Barges, Leading Industries, Handsomely Decorated Carriages, etc., Sport at Prospect Park, Grand Concert.
A perfect June day greeted the good people of Norwood, who, awaking from slumber's embrace, looked out to see how the weather was. Old Sol smiled serenely in the sweetest mood, and Boreas blew his gentle breezes to cool the heated air. The blue arch above was flecked with white here and there, and all nature looked lovely. One could but exclaim with the poet,-—
"What is so rare as a day in June?"
The townspeople were astir early, for on a holiday, such as the seventeenth promised to be, there was much to do in preparing for the festivities of flag day. It was not long, however, before the town began to put on its holiday attire. Old Glory in all sizes, from the miniature flag worn on the breast to the large banner floating from the topmast, was displayed freely, and bunting with the national colors adorned many residences.
The youth and beauty of the town turned out in full force, gaily attired in attractive gowns, while the young men donned their summer clothing and helped to make the day one of pleasure. From the surrounding towns numerous teams and carriages bearing happy families and loving couples, helped swell the good-natured and orderly throng which lined the streets along the route of the parade.
At eight o'clock the participants in the procession began to assemble in P. O. Square, and soon there was a scene of bewildering beauty, as the the gaily decorated carriages and other features of the parade gathered. Chief Marshal Stewart, mounted on a white charger, rode up and down in stately dignity, giving directions to line up in order, and he was assisted by an efficient staff.
Some little delay was occasioned in starting, but the parade moved off shortly after half past eight. Michael D. Creed, Chief of Police, with William. Clary, Jason Adams and W. S. Beal as staff, mounted on horseback, headed the procession. Then came Chief Marshal George E. Stewart and staff mounted: Dr. F. S. Baston, Winslow Faunce, Fred Colburn, Albert Webb, and Edson Smith; followed by the Norwood Brass Band and members of Geo. K. Bird Post, 169, G.À.R.
Was represented by dames Sanborn and Thomas Mackey on horseback, followed by about fifty employees of J. S. Cushing & Co., attired in dark clothing, with white straw hats and carrying canes. The badges worn were very neat and consisted of the company's imprint, with the words: "Norwood Press, June 17th celebration,'' printed on white ribbon.
The banner, carried by Robert Seaver, represented the company's trademark, and was a beautiful piece of work, done in oil on silk.
The unique feature, however, was the Franklin press, which was exhibited in active operation by Walter J. Berwick and John Olson, with Charlie Rich as the devil (Editors note: the chore boy or youngest printing apprentice was often called the "printer's devil"). The press has quite a history, which we give in another column.
It was drawn on a large four-wheeled dray, and a canopy of bunting and flags covered the press and the printers. This was very tastefully done, and the whole feature made a pleasing and attractive appearance. A case of type and other accessories incidental to an office of the period when Ben Franklin set up type completed the exhibit, which was most creditable to all concerned. Along the route a printed description, with a cut of the press, was distributed from the team. Following this were the employees of Berwick & Smith, the men who run the big presses, and as a matter of course, they made "a good impression'
The wool department of Winslow's Tannery was well shown up, and the enterprising manager, George F. Willett, led the exhibit astride of his wheel. One of the teams of the company, a large four-wheeler, was laden with the products, raw and flashed, of this department: a large bale of wool as imported or received at the factory; the wool as cleansed on the skins, and the wool as plucked and ready for manufacture. A number of employees followed, each one wearing a pure white wool sheepskin as an apron. This exhibit was striking and showed the success attained by this new industry in our midst.
This was a practical exhibit of the work done in this factory. A large wagon beautifully decorated, contained a number of the oldest, employees, and leather in its various manufactured forms was shown. A live sheep made a good object lesson, showing the source from which the raw material comes. As leather has contributed considerably to Norwood's prosperity, this exhibit was very appropriate. A large number of the employees in the tannery turned out, and the banners of leather borne were representative of the different kinds produced in the factory
For neatness of uniform, general appearance, and prettily decorated hose reel No. 1 was up to the mark. The company marched well, and their dark shirts with a white stripe, white trousers, and caps with gloves to match, made a fine showing. Three of their number walked ahead bearing fire trumpets filled with followers. The Hyde Park High School Fife and Drum Corps played suitable music for the march, and the hose reel was resplendent in red, white, and blue.
America, No. 2, followed with red shirts and black trousers. They made a handsome appearance. W. S. Beal, a gentleman over 70 years of age, played the fife, and Fred Beal, his son, the drum, while a Canton lad, a youth of 10 years, acted as drum major, and he handled the staff almost equal to an adult. He was the cynosure of all eyes and won admiration from young and old.
The Hook and Ladder Co. decorated its wagon very prettily, and the protective wagon looked fine in its brightly polished brass trimmings.
Carriages containing the town officers and clergymen of the town followed in order.
A battalion of boys from the grammar school made a pretty appearance, their marching being excellent.
Three barges laden with the future lovers and mothers of the town, the girl scholars of the High and Everett schools, came in order, and they presented a pretty picture of happy smiling faces.
Headed by the Walpole Cornet Band, which discoursed sweet music along the line of march, came the Turnvereins, the Actives in dark grey shirts and trousers, with soft felt hats to match, and the members in dark clothes, with grey felt belts. The members turned out well, and as a body of men they showed up to good advantage.
J. S. Cushing, dressed in the uniform of the Ancient and Honorables, on horseback, came next, with the following gentlemen of the Business Association: J. A. Hartshorn, Lewis Day, A. W. . Alden, H. H. Howard, H. C. Babcock, E. H. Grant, L. G. Marston, Theo. Grant, A. T. Satterlee, Charles A. Locke, and H. E. Plimpton. These gentlemen all looked fine and handled their steeds as if to the manor born.
The unique and novel exhibit shown by this club was judged by many to be the finest in the parade, it was indeed a pretty idea, well gotten up and nicely carried out. The canoe made by Oakes Angier is a very handsome one, named Media. It was placed on a prettily decorated float and the following eight members of the club, in uniform, rode with it: Lincoln D. Robbins, Commodore; Frank Palmer, Vice Com.: Winthrop Everett, Sec.; Albert Olson, Treas.: Oakes Angier, John Peterson, Willis Jefferson, and Henry Stone. The club's yell was given by these lusty young men along the route. It is as follows:
Razzle dazzle, razzle dazzle, who are we? We are the members of the A. C. C. Hobble dobble, hobble dobble, Hiss, boom, bah! Canoe Club, Canoe Club, 'Rah, 'rah, 'rah!
The carriage of J. H. Hartley of Walpole, the military editor of the Globe, caused considerable curiosity among the spectators. It was completely covered with ferns and canopied, with a large crown of flowers on top. Master Chas. Henry Hartley, dressed as a clown, drove the piebald horse, and his two sisters, tiny mites of humanity, Daisy Helen and Emily Geuthers Hartley, sat behind, The idea was unique and attractive.
Thomas. E. Clary's carriage, drawn by a pair of black horses beautifully harnessed, and driven by Mr. Warren Hunt, presented a handsome showing. Mrs. Hunt and Mr. Clary occupied the seats.
The carriage of Lewis Day presented the prettiest and neatest ornamentation in the parade. The decorations were simple and not overdone. The arrangement of the long green grasses and the light green trimmings neatly bound with long streamers behind gave a rich effect to the whole appearance. The carriage was driven by Mr. Day's coachman, with the footman on the box, and contained Mrs. C. F. Pond and Mrs. W. B. Eddy.
The "daisy" carriage of the parade was easily discernible. It was J. S. Cushing's, and was driven by Mrs. B. F. Colburn, with Mrs. Cushing and daughter and Miss Gertrude Bigelow as occupants.
The drag of Herbert Plimpton was gaily decorated in yellow and mauve. It was the most attractive turnout in the procession. The occupants were Miss Cora Everett, Miss Margaret Williamson, Miss Eva Gay, and Mr. and Mrs. Plimpton.
The carriage of Jas. Berwick looked neat and pretty, being decorated in yellow and white, with cut dowers and roses. It contained Mrs. Berwick and her daughter, Miss Flossie.
The four-wheeler, with its freight of pretty ladies and a profusion of cut flowers from Talbot's greenhouse, formed a study in grouping that an artist's eye could enjoy. The ladies composing the group were Mrs. Geo. Bagley, Jr., Miss Ray Hartshorne, Mrs. Perley B. Thompson, Mrs. Fred E. Colburn, Miss Clara Rich, Mrs. F. \V. Talbot and Miss Lizzie Tucker; and the gentlemen who posed were Geo. Bagley, Jr., E. M. S. Chandler, Richard Winslow, and Harold Gay, The latter gentleman handled the reins, but during the parade the horses became restless and the party had to dismount. They did not get left, however, for they came in at the end of the procession.
A number of other teams joined in the procession, and a reaper and binder machine from Mr. Reynolds, West Dedham, brought up the rear.
The route as laid out was marched over and the procession returned to the square, to Le reviewed by Chief Marshal Stewart. The procession then disbanded. It was a splendid affair and creditable alike to projcctors and participants.
At Prospect Park the crowds began to gather soon after the parade had disbanded, and it was not long before the grandstand and the seating capacity of the grounds was over-taxed. The committee on grounds had everything well in hand, and the program of sports was taken up shortly after ten o'clock,
The exercises of the Norwood Turnverein, under direction of Prof. Scheller, of Boston, began with dumbbell movements by fifteen young Turnvereins, "chips of the old block," who made an excellent showing and acquitted themselves well on the parallel bars.
The Actives went through a pretty drill and some difficult feats on the parallel bars, many of which received hearty applause.
The Selectmen's race was declared off t as the Selectmen, who believed in a cold standard, would not consent to run for a silver medal.
The 100-yard dash was a pretty race, the following men contesting: Chas. Mack, Chelsea; Edw. Donovan, Natick: Chas. Andrews, Dan Callahan, T. Downey, and Edw. Jones, Edw. Donovan touched the tape first, winning in 10 3-5 seconds, closely followed by Chas. Mack. The time was taken by Geo. Morrill, Jr., on his handsome gold stop-watch, an accurate timer to the fifth of a second.
In the running hop, step, and jump, Joe Mullin, J Curran, Weymouth, Owen McNeil, Boston, Geo. Gibbs, Cambridge, and Wm. Marsh, Dedham, were the contestants. The first prize was won by Wm. Marsh, who covered 42 feet, 11 3/4 inches, and Joe Curran the second prize covering 41 feet, 6 5/8 inches.
The three standing jumps came next, with a number of entries, Geo. Gibbs, Wm. Marsh, T. T. Kennedy, J. Hoyt, M. Cowan, and Robt. Baker being anxious to achieve fame as jumpers.
The contest was exciting, but Robt, Baker won first prize by of an inch over Wm, Marsh. The distance jumped respectively was 40 ft. l 7/8 inch, and 40-ft. 1 3/4 inch.
The running broad jump was contested by the same men, Robert Baker not entering. Wm. Marsh did himself proud, winner first prize with 19 ft. 5 5/6 inches.
winning first prize with 19 ft. 5£c inches, and Owen Neil second, with I9 feet., 5 5/8 inches.
In the high jump Robert Baker made a pretty exhibition of jumping, clearing 5 feet, 9 inches beautifully. Wm. Marsh, however, beat him 3 5/8 inches, for Baker, after two trials, got safely over this height, but knocked the pole off with his dumbbell. Marsh awarded first prize: Baker second.
The three-legged race Donovan and Mack got off in good style, winning easily. McNeil and Marsh did not hitch well together, while Coughlan and Andrews lacked speed in running as mates, Donovan and Mack, first prize; Coughlon and Andrews, second.
The potato race while it lasted was the most exciting of the day. Maurice Tobin, Patrick Curran, Jno. Curran, W. Geary, Jas. Walsh, Henry Walsh, Jas. Costello, Michael Lyden, and Michael Feeny entered. Maurice Tobin won first prize, Henry Walsh second.
The next event was a genuine Highland fling by Jas. McTaggart, clad in highland costume, McMenzie clan, who danced to the accompaniment of a real Scotch bagpipe, played by a live piper, Thomas T. Murray. Event No. 11 was combined with this, the broad sword dance evoking hearty applause. The dancing of little seven-year-old Mamie Moore, who was prettily dressed in kilts of Rob Roy plaid, was a feature of the morning's program.
Chairman Brennan and the committee on sports worked hard to carry the program through on specified time, and they are deserving of hearty thanks for the able manner in which the different events were disposed of.
Shortly after 1, in fact before the refreshment committee were really ready, there was a regular rush for the appetizing clam chowder, the odor of which had been scented on the breeze by the hungry sight-seers. The committee was kept busy serving this palatable dish and disposing of cooling tonics, besides the large demand for sandwiches. Saratoga chips, coffee, and crackers. The committee covered themselves with glory and realized a handsome profit on the sales of the day. Chairman Rhoads did well and his corps of assistants were well chosen and fully alive to the many calls made upon them.
The concert by the Norwood Band, from 2 to 3 p. m., was a pleasing one, the six numbers being feelingly rendered.
After dinner the crowd in attendance was augmented by the baseball lovers, who came to give encouragement to the local team, until it was estimated that 2500 people were on the grounds.
At 2.30 the Norwoods, looking neat and natty, came on for a preliminary practice. The Cambridge Beds soon arrived, and they also had a little practice in pitching and catching. The Norwoods won the toss and went to bat. The men played in position as follows: Jackman, r.f.; Donovan, 2b; Beadel, 3b; Ellis, l.f.; O'Brien, c.: Aheara, s.s.; Coughlin, c.f.j Bateman, lb; Gilmore, p. The Cambridge Beds proved a good team, made up as follows: Merrincid, ss.; Williams, 3b; Carney, c.; Fleming, 2b; Butman, lb: McCormick, r.f.: Hall, l.f.: Dempsy, c.f.: Foster, p. The game throughout w#s well played; the Reds doing some excellent catching; but the pitching of Gilmore was too puzzling to the visiting team.
The stick work of the Norwoods was good, and the fielding excellent, the score being 0 to 7 in favor of the home team. A dispute arose in the seventh inning over the decision of the umpire who declared two of the Reds out for batting out of turn. The captain of the visiting team protested and a heated argument followed, which resulted in the withdrawal of Umpire Condrick from the game. Manager Brennan poured oil on the troubled waters and the game was resumed, with J. E. McLean as umpire. The thousands of spectators evidently enjoyed the playing and were satisfied that the home team put up a strong game of ball against a team of no mean order when they met and defeated the Cambridge Reds.
At 6 o'clock the bulk of the crowd left for home, some remaining on the ground and amusing themselves until the band concert.
At S o'clock there was a large concourse of people gathered, some 1200 being present, to listen and enjoy the admirable playing of the hand. The following program was given, selection No. 5 winning popular applause :
March, "Freemasons."
Overture, "Trovatore."
Cornet Solo, "Magnolia Serenade."- John Waldheim.
"Tone Pictures of the North and South."
Schottische, "Her Golden Hair was Hanging down her Back." - By Request.
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