Reporting on the latest developments regarding the proposed playground In the Ellis Gardens area, Kevin P. Barry, chairman of the Ellis Gardens Playground Committee, stated, that he had received a letter from General Manager Walter Blasenak.
According to Mr, Barry, the letter was dated June 21 and read as follows:
"Currently we are having additional fill brought into the area from construction jobs currently going on in the town. Additional fill will be brought in from additional construction' contracts which have been awarded and work will be started within the next two to three weeks.
"The Engineering Department which has been overloaded with work, has spent some time developing costs on the alternate proposal of development of the area and a progress report is planned to be' submitted by the Town Engineer to the Selectmen on July 10."
Declared Mr. Barry: "The summer school vacation period is here and the hundreds of parents from North Norwood eagerly await news of progress from the scheduled July 10 meeting."
(All articles were originally published in the Norwood Messenger unless otherwise noted)
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