These news items were the talk of the town on June 1, 1900
School Committee E. W. Jewett and Truant Officer Rhoads have had lively experiences in truancy matters this week.
Edward Albee has left the employ of W. B. Hastings Co., and goes to work in one of the mills in East Walpole.
The street sprinkler put in a brief appearance on some of the streets on Memorial Day, but is not visible this (Thursday) morning.
Clam dinner at Prospect Park next Tuesday, from 12 to 1 o'clock. 25 cents, including admission to Park. Free barge ride from Norwood Press.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ingraham of Medford spent Wednesday with Mrs. Ingraham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Foreman of Washington Street.
Mrs. B. R. Chase and daughter of Boston are visiting Mrs. Chase's mother, Mrs. J. A. Gay, of Cottage Street.
Mrs. T. O. Metcalf has sold her house on Nichols Street to Mrs. George E. Metcalf. It will probably be occupied by Charles Packard and family.
The summer timetable on the Norfolk Central St. Railway went into effect this week. The passenger facilities are already larger than in previous seasons, and may be still further amplified by larger cars and in other ways before the season is over. In the afternoon cars will be run every twenty minutes from 1.40 to 9 p.m. The pressure of summer travel will also be relieved a little in the forenoon by the running of extra cars from Guild Street to Dedham at 8.20, 8.50, 9.20 and 9.50 a.m.
Expert clam baker will be at Prospect Park next Tuesday. Dinner 12 to 1; supper 6 to 8 o'clock.
Exercises appropriate to the Memorial Day season were held in the public square Tuesday, and remarks were made by visiting G. A. R. veterans.
One more room in the Guild school building will be occupied as a school room next year for one of the sixth-grade classes. A seventh-grade class will be transferred to the Everett building. This will give Mr. Taylor most of the sixth-grade classes.

This picture shows the Guild School in 1894. The school was located on Central St near Guild St, diagonally opposite the current Post office. The building burned down in 1929.
Don't forget the strawberry festival at Ganger Hall, June 13th, by the ladies of the Baptist church. Ice cream, cake, and fancy articles will be in existence at that time; Admission 10 cents.
Mrs. Wm. F. Owen of New York City is visiting Mrs. J. C. Laue.
A number of Norwood people went to Foxboro on the electrics on Wednesday, to see the ruins of the straw shops destroyed by fire on Monday night. The loss is a severe blow to that little town and throws about 500 hands out of em ployment
This warm spell this week makes our people who go to the shore during the summer season begin to think about it.
The final meeting of the Literary Club for the season occurs one week from next Monday evening at Mr. H. M. Plimpton's.
Loyal L. Wirt of Cape Nome, Alaska, speaks at the Congregational church Saturday, June 2, promptly at 7 o'clock.
A concert will be given in Village Hall on Friday evening, June 8th, by the Grew School Orchestra of Hyde Park, under the auspices of George K. Bird W R. C., No. 78.
Punch and Judy at Prospect Park next Tuesday afternoon. Admission 10 cts.
Quite an exciting and well-attended game of baseball was played on Memorial Day afternoon between the Norwood A.A. and a team from J. S. Cushing Co. The Norwood A. A.'s had every thing their own way in the early part of the game, but towards the close tho Cushings did some good playing. The score was 20 to 11 in favor of the Norwood A. A.'s.
Miss May E. Boyden, Washington St., was able to be downstairs for the first time last Sunday, after an illness of eleven weeks. A rapid improvement in her case is now expected, and it is now expected that she will be able to be out of doors again in about two weeks' time.
A still alarm yesterday morning called out the department to extinguish a fire in the woods in the rear of L. G. Marston's residence on Prospect Avenue.
The movement forming a Knights of Pythias lodge in this town is said to be progressing finely. B. T. Rounds, 600 Washington Street, would like to see any former members of the order or any others who may wish to cooperate in the institution of a new lodge.
Concert by Norwood Band at the Lawn Party, Prospect Park, next Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Alden spent a few days this week visiting their daughter Mabel, at New Bedford, Mass.
Geo. Plimpton of New York, was in town Memorial Day.
Geo. E. Sanborn has purchased a new horse for his hardware business this week.
Target and rifle shooting at Prospect Park next Tuesday conducted by Mr. J. Fenton.
H. M. Plimpton has added a handsome black horse to his stable equipment.
Bridget McCarty is very sick at her home on Lenox Street.
William McNaught, Jr., and his father, of Hartford, Conn., have been visiting friends in town.
In case of stormy day next Tuesday the Lawn Party and Clam Bake will be held at Prospect Park, Wednesday, June
Edward Lavine, who is in the American Navy and stationed on a training ship near New York, is at home on a furlough.
Frank Nash Boyden returned to New York last Sunday after a few days visit to his parents in Norwood.
Rev. Fr. Troy wrote his last letter home after a visit to Constantinople where lie witnessed ceremonies in the Mosque of Saint Sophia and a procession of her howling dervishes which he describes as sufficiently terrifying. He has also been visiting Athens. He expects to return to Norwood in August. He expects before his return to visit Ober-Ammergau and witness the Passion Play.
For the clam dinner, Prospect Park next Tuesday, one barge will leave Post Office Square at 11.30 and one will leave the Norwood Press at 12.
Walter Smith continues ill and confined to the house at the present writing.
The old chimney near the Norwood Central Station has been purchased by John Nugent for the 50,000 or 60,000 bricks it contains. This chimney has remained standing ever since the destruction of the Everett cabinet shop by fire shortly after the civil war. It was built in the '50s and was an old landmark.
Dr. F. H. Nutting has had as guests this week his mother, Mrs. Chas. Nutting of Jaffrey, N. H., and his sister, Mrs. E. J. Russell of Winchendon, also Mrs. X. B. Shedd of Somerville. His mother is 86 years of age, and remarkably well and active for one of her years. She stood the journey well from New Hampshire, and is a very bright and attractive old lady.
Mrs. Samuel Saunders was made happy on Memorial Day by the return of her gold watch, which she lost on Market Street last Sunday. It was found and returned by John Martin, who was suitably rewarded.
The Odd Fellows will hold their annual memorial services in their hall on Sunday, June 17, at 3 o'clock. Rev. Silas L. Morse of Medfield will be the orator of the occasion.
(Originally published in the Norwood Advertiser and Review)
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