CLAIRE PUCHALSKI, Norwood's newest champion. She achieved that status when she swept all competition in the recent South Shore Candlepin Championship Tournament. Only 18 and bowling for one year. Miss Puchalski has shown remarkable form and bowls regularly in the Norwood Girls' Bowling League. She is rated by observers as one oi Norwood's finest girls athletes in the last two decades. She is one of Norwood's best in basketball, softball, tennis, swimming, and dancing.
Claire Puchalski became the Class A Bowling Queen of the South Shore Candlepin Tournament when she fired a 520 to lead a very strong field at Plymouth.
Miss Puchalski was the surprise of the entire eight class! event with her victory, not so much for her bowling but because of her age. Only 18 and a graduate of Norwood High School, Class of 1961, she has been bowling only one year. She wasn't even a regular in the Norwood Girls' Bowling League at the start of the year, but when the final averages were announced she was near the top with a 99 mark.
When news came through of her victory, most people wanted to know who she was. It didn't take long to find out and after watching the new champion bowl a few strings it was apparent that here was one of the finest girl athletes in the history of the Town of Norwood.
How a girl could achieve championship status in less than one year surprises bowling experts, but all agree that Miss Puchalski could rise to the top of any sport she tackled. She was a top basketball star in high school, and since she started to work at Laminated Sheet Products Co., Norwood, she has become one of the leading softball stars in the very fast Recreation League
Not satisfied with scoring a sensational bowling sweep against the best bowlers of the South Snore, Miss Puchalski has turned her athletic sights on the tennis field where she is showing the same rate of progress as in her march to the candlepin throne.
Claire is 5' 6", 120 pounds of smooth athletic skill. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Puchalski, 98 Mylod Street, Norwood. She was born here in Norwood and has spent her entire career in local sports. Her favorite sports are bowling, swimming, tennis, softball, dancing, and basketball
Miss Puchalski now possesses the coveted South East Massachusetts Championship trophy, which
(All articles were originally published in the Norwood Messenger unless otherwise noted)
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