| Paul Stought Jun 2 | That he loved her, on the other hand, was as clear as day, and she consciously delighted in beholding his love-manifestations—the glowing eyes with their tender lights, the trembling hands, and the never failing swarthy flush that flooded darkly under his sunburn. She even went farther, in a timid way inciting him, but doing it so delicately that he never suspected, and doing it half-consciously, so that she scarcely suspected herself. She thrilled with these proofs of her power that proclaimed her a woman, and she took an Eve-like delight in tormenting him and playing upon him. | Dhat hy luvd hur, on dhy udhur hand, wuz az klir az dae, and shy konshusly dilietud in bihoelding hiz luv-manufustaesunz—dhu glo.ling iez with dher tendur liets, dhu trembuling handz, and dhu nevur faeling swaurdhy flush dhat fludud dorkly undur hiz sunburn. Shy yvun went fordhur, in u timud wae insieting him, but doo.ing it soe delikutly dhat hy nevur suspektud, and doo.ing it haf-konshusly, soe dhat shy skersly suspektud hurself. Shy thrild with dhyz proofs uv hur pour dhat pruklaemd hur u wwmun, and shy twk an Yv-liek diliet in taurmenting him and pla.ing upon him. | Tongue-tied by inexperience and by excess of ardor, wooing unwittingly and awkwardly, Martin continued his approach by contact. The touch of his hand was pleasant to her, and something deliciously more than pleasant. Martin did not know it, but he did know that it was not distasteful to her. Not that they touched hands often, save at meeting and parting; but that in handling the bicycles, in strapping on the books of verse they carried into the hills, and in conning the pages of books side by side, there were opportunities for hand to stray against hand. And there were opportunities, too, for her hair to brush his cheek, and for shoulder to touch shoulder, as they leaned together over the beauty of the books. She smiled to herself at vagrant impulses which arose from nowhere and suggested that she rumple his hair; while he desired greatly, when they tired of reading, to rest his head in her lap and dream with closed eyes about the future that was to be theirs. On Sunday picnics at Shellmound Park and Schuetzen Park, in the past, he had rested his head on many laps, and, usually, he had slept soundly and selfishly while the girls shaded his face from the sun and looked down and loved him and wondered at his lordly carelessness of their love. To rest his head in a girl's lap had been the easiest thing in the world until now, and now he found Ruth's lap inaccessible and impossible. Yet it was right here, in his reticence, that the strength of his wooing lay. It was because of this reticence that he never alarmed her. Herself fastidious | Tung-tied bie inekspiryuns and bie ekses uv ordur, woo.ing unwitingly and aukwurdly, Mortun kuntinued hiz uproech bie kontakt. Dhu tuch uv hiz hand wuz plezunt too hur, and sumthing dilishusly maur dhan plezunt. Mortun did not noe it, but hy did noe dhat it wuz not distaestful too hur. Not dhat dhae tuchd handz ofun, saev at myting and porting; but dhat in handuling dhu biesikulz, in straping on dhu bwks uv vurs dhae karyd intoo dhu hilz, and in koning dhu paejuz uv bwks sied bie sied, dher wur opurtoonutyz faur hand too strae ugenst hand. And dher wur opurtoonutyz, too, faur hur her too brush hiz chyk, and faur shoeldur too tuch shoeldur, az dhae lynd tugedhur oevur dhu buety uv dhy bwks. Shy smield too hurself at vaegrunt impulsuz which uroez frum noewher and sugjestud dhat shy rumpul hiz her; whiel hy dizierd graetly, when dhae tierd uv ryding, too rest hiz hed in hur lap and drym with kloezd iez ubout dhu fuechur dhat wuz too by dherz. On Sundae pikniks at Shelmound Pork and Shoo.utzun Pork, in dhu past, hy had restud hiz hed on meny laps, and, uezuuly, hy had slept soundly and selfishly whiel dhu gurulz shaedud hiz faes frum dhu sun and lwkd doun and luvd him and wundurd at hiz laurdly kerlusnus uv dher luv. Too rest hiz hed in u gurul'z lap had bin dhy yzyust thing in dhu wuruld until nou, and nou hy found Rooth's lap inaksesubul and imposubul. Yet it wuz riet hir, in hiz retusuns, dhat dhy strength uv hiz woo.ing lae. It wuz bikauz uv dhis retusuns dhat hy nevur ulormd hur. Hurself fastidyus | 190a | 190a | Martin Eden Martin Eden Intro | |
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