George Henry Morrill 1829-1909
Norwood, Apr, 14.-Some time next month the first horseless carriage in this region will probably make its appearance at the residence of Mr. G. H. Morrill, Jr. The carriage is ordered and expected in a few weeks. It will be run by power generated from gasoline and will add one more feature to the already attractive country home of its owner. There is a spirited rivalry within this pretty little town among the very wealthy residents of the place to the matter of residential seats.
Standing on a prominence, higher than any other in the country round about the centre of a beautiful, velvety lawn, surrounded by seven acres of the same grassy carpet like a vast Wilton of emerald hue, is Mr. Morrill's castle, built to please Mrs, Morrill and himself, with no others in consultation.
The house is built of field stone, every one of 12 000 perch was taken from the land on which the house was built, and that surrounding it.
The architecture is of the old Holland style and Is strikingly picturesque and artistic as well, both inside and outside.
It contains 23 rooms, 10 of which are bedrooms, notwithstanding there are only three in Mr. Morrill's family, yet this big house is not too big, for Mr. Morrill entertains many friends this house and his hospitality knows no bounds, as the Boston club and certain members of the A. H. A. can testify.
The stable at the Pines is not the least of the splendid estate. It cost.$15,00.and is a marvel of simplicity and beauty as far as stables go.
Like the house, it is built of field stone and designed in the style of the Hollands in the 18th century. it Is 108 ft. long and the street floor is divided into a carriage house, a washroom and a stable.
Residence of George H Morrill
It is finished in spruce, natural, with a coating of shellac. The floors are made of Portland cement. It is lighted by gas, which, by the way, is made by the Morrills' at their Ink factory and furnished to tile town; the gas is lighted by an electrics arrangement. No matches are allowed in the stable.
The carriage room contains a spider phaeton, a cabriolet, a coupe, a brake, several Goddards and other carriages. New vehicles are expected in a few days for use during the summer. The harness case is 15 ft. long and is glass-enclosed. Within are a dozen or more harnesses, and among them is a double, silver mounted, imported harness, which cost $300.
The basement is provided with traps and drains, also in the interest of cleanliness. Mr. Morrill built a $3000 house for the groom, Alec, which many people in the little town would be glad to live in had they the luck. This house is situated a minute's walk from the stable and is connected with the house and stable by telephone.
Mr. Morrill will leave his handsome home to go to London with the Aneletts In June, Mrs. Morrill will is with him and they have planned to have a good time.
Apr. 15, 1896 Boston Daily Advertiser Volume: 167 , Issue: 90
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