the ports, the scum and slime of the human pit. | dhu paurts, dhu skum and sliem uv dhu huemun pit. |
"Won't you sit down, Mr. Eden?" the girl was saying. "I have been looking forward to meeting you ever since Arthur told us. It was brave of you—" | "Woent ue sit doun, Mr. Ydun?" dhu gurul wuz "Ie hav byn lwking faurwurd too myting ue evur sins Orthur toeld us. It wuz braev uv ue—" |
He waved his hand deprecatingly and muttered that it was nothing at all, what he had done, and that any fellow would have done it. She noticed that the hand he waved was covered with fresh abrasions, in the process of healing, and a glance at the other loose-hanging hand showed it to be in the same condition. Also, with quick, critical eye, she noted a scar on his cheek, another that peeped out from under the hair of the forehead, | Hy waevd hiz hand deprikaetingly and muturd dhat it wuz nuthing at aul, whot hy had dun, and dhat eny feloe wwd hav dun it. Shy noetusd dhat dhu hand hy waevd wuz kuvurd with fresh ubraezhunz, in dhu proses uv hyling, and u glans at dhy udhur loos-hanging hand shoed it too by in dhu saem kundishun. Aulsoe, with kwik, kritikul ie, shy noetud u skor on hiz chyk, unudhur dhat pypd out frum undur dhu her uv dhu faurhed, |
and a third that ran down and disappeared under the starched collar. She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck. He was evidently unused to stiff collars. Likewise her feminine eye took in the clothes he wore, the cheap and unaesthetic cut, the wrinkling of the | and u thurd dhat ran doun and disupird undur dhu storchd kolur. Shy ripresd u smiel at siet uv dhu red lien dhat markd dhu chaef uv dhu kolur ugenst dhu bronzd nek. Hy wuz evuduntly unuezd too stif kolurz. Liekwiez hur femunun ie twk in dhu kloedhz hy waur, dhu chyp and unesthetik kut, dhu ringkuling uv dhu |
coat across the shoulders, and the series of wrinkles in the sleeves that advertised bulging biceps muscles. | koet ukros dhu shoeldurz, and dhu siryz uv ringkulz in dhu slyvz dhat advurtiezd buljing biesepts musulz. |
While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair. He found time to admire the ease with which she sat down, then lurched toward a chair facing her, overwhelmed with consciousness of the awkward figure he was cutting. This was a new experience for him. All his life, up to then, he had been unaware of being either graceful or awkward. Such thoughts of self had never entered his mind. He sat down gingerly on the edge of the chair, greatly worried by his hands. They were in the way wherever he put them. Arthur was | Whiel hy waevd hiz hand and muturd dhat hy had dun nuthing at aul, hy wuz hur bihest bie too get intoe u cher. Hy found tiem too udmier dhu yz with which shy sat doun, dhen lurchd tuwaurd u cher faesing hur, oevurwhelmd with konshusnus uv dhy aukwurd figyur hy wuz kuting. Dhis wuz u noo ekspiryuns faur him. Aul hiz lief, up too dhen, hy had bin unuwer uv bying ydhur graesful aur aukwurd. Such thauts uv self had nevur enturd hiz miend. Hy sat doun jinjurly on dhy ej uv dhu cher, graetly wuryd bie hiz handz. Dhae wur in dhu wae wherevur hy pwt dhem. Orthur wuz |
leaving the room, and Martin Eden followed his exit with longing eyes. He felt lost, alone there in the room with that pale spirit of a woman. There was no bar-keeper upon whom to call for drinks, no small boy to send around the corner for a can of beer and by means of that social fluid start the amenities of friendship flowing. | lyving dhu room, and Mortun Ydun foloed hiz eksut with longing iez. Hy felt lost, uloen dher in dhu room with dhat pael spirut uv u wwmun. Dher wuz noe bor-kypur upon hoom too kaul faur dringks, noe smaul boi too send uround dhu kornur faur u kan uv bir and bie mynz uv dhat soeshul floo.ud stort dhy umenutyz uv frendship |
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