Depending on who's reading this, you may or may not be aware of the infamy of the literary trope that goes: two people try to book at a full hotel, but there's only one double room left, forcing them to share the bed.
It's famous because it's cheap, and usually used in fanfictions as a way of forcing characters together. And I've been waiting for an opportunity to use it, oh yeah. This is another fantastic addition to the "ways I physically force Drake and Ludwig together" to overcome their collective shyness.
Anyway, below is an excerpt from the piece I'm writing for it right now. YEAH BABY.
"Ahem, speaking of nuisances… have you had a chance to look at this bed, yet?" Drake cleared his throat and waited for Ludwig to stand.
The pair of men stood facing the bed for several seconds.
Eventually, Ludwig broke the silence.
"I think "double" might have been a bit of creative marketing on the part of our host, don't you?"
"I certainly don't want to see the single beds here," Drake said as both of them broke into laughter.
The situation was hysterical: the bed was barely big enough to sleep two normally-sized humans, let alone Ludwig. Drake began to picture how they would have to sleep in order to fit, but Ludwig interrupted his thoughts.
"Ok, ok. This has been particularly funny, but let's see. Techo left her cloak with us, and if I lay my clothes out on the rug, I can sleep on top of those on the floor by the fire."
"You've got to be joking!"
Drake's offended tone surprised Ludwig.
"Look at these floorboards," Drake continued. "You carry your own pack and all of Techo's things every day, and for two days you've been carrying me, for God's sakes. Give your back a rest tonight. Take the bed."
"You won't heal if you're not sleeping properly," Ludwig retorted. "You're sleeping in that bed, or I'll be carrying you all week."
"Fat chance! You only carried me today because you insisted, as a precaution. I'm better – and I mean it this time. I'll be walking tomorrow." Drake didn't pause; instead he made for Techo's cloak draped over the chair, that he might lay it out and make himself a bed on the floor.
He walked straight into Ludwig's arm, which might as well have been a wall.
"No way."
As they spoke, they began to break into giggles again: the fight was getting farcical. Together they conceded, and left the cloak alone.
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