Happy 9th birthday to my blog!
As I step cautiously into its 10th year (eek!), I thought I'd reflect on 9 lessons learned so far during this creative journey.
- It is possible to write and self-publish that novel that's been living inside you for years. (I wouldn't have believed that back in 2013 but I do now- 7 books later)
- There's something to be gained and/or learned from each and every review and comment on your creative work. (Yes, even from the less than positive experiences.)
- Despite my initial fears, it is possible to find something to blog about once a week every week. (So far so good!)
- Embrace technology and social media. Back in 2013, I never for a second thought I'd have .co.uk after my name, stars after my books worldwide on Amazon or have a podcast (Ok its an electronic voice reading the posts not mine – one step at a time!)
- Believe in yourself. (Friends- stop sniggering! Yes, it took longer than it should have done for me to learn that lesson.)
- Be curious. Blog topics over the years have come from all manner of sources, including the label on the wine we had with dinner one night ( This one – just in case you were curious 19 Crimes…. and a glass or two of wine | Coral McCallum)
- Don't be afraid to experiment with your creativity. I've used this blog as a proving ground for many diverse ideas, genres and characters over the years.
- Support other creative souls. It takes a certain amount of courage to expose yourself creatively to the world so show your support for others who have taken that leap of faith. Guests are always welcome here.
- Have fun! Creativity should be fun (well, most of the time)
I couldn't have made it this far along the way without your love and support. Every blog you've read, every book you've bought, every person you have told about the books and/or blog – every single word helps to fuel the fires of creativity and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Another year is drawing to a close so I'll seize this opportunity to wish you all the best for the new year when it arrives. May 2023 be kind to us all.
Love n hugs
Coral xx
(image sourced via Google – credits to the owner)
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