Peggy Jaeger posted: " TEMPTED and TANTALIZING is a great name for a romance conference/group, isn't it?? LOL I'll be attending the TNTNYC event this year as an attending author and I'm stoked because it takes place in my old stomping ground of Staten Island, NY. I " Peggy Jaeger, Author
TEMPTED and TANTALIZING is a great name for a romance conference/group, isn't it?? LOL
I'll be attending the TNTNYC event this year as an attending author and I'm stoked because it takes place in my old stomping ground of Staten Island, NY. I grew up in SI. From the time I was 8 until I got married at 27 I lived in the borough, went to the local middle and high schools and worked at Staten Island University Hospital as a nurse. Although, back in the day it was just called SI Hospital.
I can't wait to see the old burg again!!
I'll be signing books at the official book signing on Saturday, October 15 and attending the cocktail reception afterward. Tickets to the event for readers are still available here: TNTNYC
Look at this fabulous list of attending authors, many of them friends of mine!!!
Hope I see you there - and if you are attending, I've got a book preorder sale going on right now. YOu can preorder any of the books you want on the list for just $10.00. Preorders also get a special gift from me!
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