Title: A Book A Week by Kate Hall
Date Published: 16th September 2020
Genre: Non-fiction/Writing
My first published novel took me five YEARS to write. The second took months. Now? I draft each of my novels in about a week.
We live in a fast-paced world, and not everyone has the time to spend months or even years working on a novel. This book is a comprehensive guide over how I get a book from concept to fully-edited in the course of about a week. (It can take less or more depending on the length of the novel or my time constraints).
This process can work for any genre of fiction, as I have used it for every novel I've written after the first.
Kate Hall is a bestselling author who is known for her quick success and high earnings in the Paranormal Romance genre. In this guide, she shows how you, too, can write books fast to potentially increase your publishing income.
I've seen this book around and I want to see how someone could outline and write a book in just a week.
The guide starts off with information about self publishing, in particular the book a month rule that some indie authors put out. I honestly don't know how Kate Hall or anyone else manages to keep the pace up. It must be exhausting!
Anyway, next up is how the author outlines and how she manages to get so many words in such a short time. Lastly, there's some editing and layout tips.
It's a fairly short book and after I'd finished, I decided to try it out.
Did I write a book in a week? No.
Did I come close? Also, no. But I managed to get almost double of my usual weekly word count, which was fantastic.
My favourite thing about the book was the simple outline, which I found a lot less confusing than the one in Save The Cat writes a novel.
I'll be honest, there is no way I'm going to write a book in a week. I realised while I was trying this method out, I just don't have the concentration it takes to sit a bang out that many words. However, I got some helpful tips from this book that I'll be using in the future.
If you are a beginner writer and looking for straightforward, no nonsense writing advice, then I would recommend this book to you.
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