I have been carrying smaller bags since 2020. No more big totes, no more heavy bags. If I need to carry papers or my computer, I use a backpack. No exceptions. Until now.
I have always loved this sleek black leather Wera bag at our local department store. It has such clean lines and works for both casual and smart. It cost $130. I had no plans of ever buying one. Partly because I don't carry big bags anymore, partly because I am drastically downsizing my bag collection. I took this photo a while ago because I loved this bag so much.
But today I wandered past and it was priced down to $30 because someone had taken its shoulder strap. I could not resist. I can always use one of my shoulder straps with it.
In three weeks' time I have two weeks of intensive teaching. Six hours a day in the same place for ten days in a row. So I will need to carry my computer and some papers every day but only to and from the venue. Usually I have to carry things from place to place all day. But this will just be there and back. I am going to give this bag a try for that and see how it goes. If it doesn't work I can sell it and I won't lose any money. The bag itself is not heavy, but with papers and my laptop, it will be.
Isn't it gorgeous though?
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