Rebecca posted: " Like it always is, April was a blur. Made more so because of course I have to make cakes for everyone. It all started with MiniMighty's Minion cake (made in March, but served in April)March 2022 Round-Up: Recovery:"
I made my first cupcake cake for our church's Easter feast:
Which was followed a few days later by Dooner's rainbow cake.
And, less than a week after that, by Jared's mondo Oreo-chocolate cake.
I didn't even tell you about the peanut-butter-chocolate pie Jared made for my birthday, which was a great day, by the way. We were busy, but honestly, we didn't take any of it too seriously. We had a lot of fun!
But, after all that cake, my pendulum is swinging way the other way, into the land of fermenting.
Is it really "balance" if you just hang out on both ends of an extreme?! Super-healthy eating and super not-healthy eating? What can I do; I like all the things! But impulse control is good too. Well, anyway, Kimchi is awesome. My favorite breakfast right now is a baked potato, (homemade vegan) yogurt, and lots of kimchi on top. nyam.
Believe it or not, I wasn't just in the kitchen this month.
With all the busy-ness, I didn't spin at quite the pace I was at in the beginning of the year, but I finished this delightful combo spin mid-month.
I also finished the first of hopefully four sock spins for the breed-and-color study. This cabled yarn is pretty wonderful.
I'm nearly done the rest of the carded prep. It's currently on two bobbins, waiting to be chain plied into two sock skeins. Can you tell how I spun these singles? Can you tell what the difference is?
Those Other Crafts
Not gonna lie, my other crafts got pretty neglected this month. But I do have something to show.
I made these little bags for the girls, instead of Easter baskets. Now I need to find them and put them somewhere safe. They would be fitting for a 4th of July party, wouldn't they? Not that they need more stuff.
I picked away a little bit at Dooner's quilt, until now I the borders are all put together. At least have all the pieces ready to assemble. This felt like a good place to put it away, again, while we're gone for a month.
Finally, I made a textile! I did not weave this in April - I think I cut it off in February, ugh - but I decided I was going to deal with it before vacation. In the last couple days of the month I went through and fixed the many weaving errors, washed it, and beat it up in the dryer. I love the fabric! The only problem? It's over nine feet long. It's not a scarf. So.... I have to figure out what to do with it. I could incorporate it with some knitting into a garment, but I haven't found a pattern for that sort of thing that I actually like. I could cut it short enough to be a scarf, and use the smaller piece for embellishments or something. But anyway, it's done, I learned a lot, it's a beautiful piece of fabric, and future me can deal with it.
Well I'd better nose back to the grindstone; we leave for vacation in just a couple of days. Guess what May's roundup will be about. Have a great spring!
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