Paramilitaries associated with a local mayor who is himself associated with the Del Monte corporation fired upon colleagues of Presidential candidate Leody De Guzman today. Ka Leody is safe, though the person beside him was shot, along with several members of their group. Leody and his colleagues from Laban ng Masa were in Quezon, Bukidnon supporting indigenous folks, protesting with them to reclaim the land that was forcibly taken from them by said mayor. Chel Diokno, senatorial candidate condemned what happened via his twitter. The Office of the President, through the Communications Secretary Martin Andanar also condemned what happened and called for investigations.

Just woke up from a pretty okay sleep earlier. Been feeling not well the past couple of days, sore throat, tiredness. Really hoping this isn't something serious. I have so many shows still to watch. I still have so many books I have to read. One thing I certainly do not look forward to is the result of the presidential and senatorial and local elections this coming May, which is only around three weeks from now. My pessimistic self is shouting it's fucked, absolutely fucked. We should have shot these scumbags instead of letting them return here and then slowly climb up from the soggy mud pits where they should have stayed. They became mayors, congressmen, senators, and now the very real possibility of that dumbfuck Jr. becoming President.

Speaking of authoritarians, Putin is still alive unfortunately, though he looks absolutely terrible. His soul is burning in hell while still alive. His skin looks mottled, his hair has gone full white, his eyes have turned blood-red. At night, he dreams terrible dreams and shouts and shrieks horrifically, but his bodyguards and other domestic staff are too terrified to wake him up. So they endure it, just pretend it's not happening, through the night. He wakes up in the morning and doesn't remember any of it. No one tells him because they only tell him good wonderful things. Why do these siloviki billionarires always go for yachts. Yachts are such a scumbag type of water vessel to me now. I was initially neutral to it, but seeing those massive hunks of metal and carbon fiber, reading up of all the deranged fucked-up shit that most go on in them, I say let's just blow it all up. Shouldn't be used to house refugees, bad juju, just bad spiritual-psychological vibes that cannot be removed even if you do a ritual involving the blood of black chickens. Not sell them either, just destroy them. Not some other water-based millionaire or billionare enjoying himself in one these. These symbols of extravagance in a burning and drowning world.

Del Monte mainly produces pineapples in Bukidnon. One of my grand-uncles worked in one of their plantations there. He's just one of their hired hands, valued for physical strength. He's a pretty cool grand-uncle who likes to drink and have been in my grandma's (his older sister) sights for the longest time because he has been known to steal things from the family and sell them. He cris when he gets drunk and then asks for everyone's forgiveness. He's cool like I said, and is also religious. He always goes to church on Sundays, and though I haven't seem him in a while, I'm pretty sure he'll be voting for Pacquiao in these elections as he's always been a massive fan. Just by not voting for Marcos Jr. he already has a solid chance in getting to heaven. Unlike all these corporate bastards of Del Monte and their lackeys.

In hell, after the day of judgment, after Christ has returned and set things in order, all these mayors and paramilitaries, all these corporate goons will have whole pineapples shoved up their butts. Leaves first. Their greed for land and money, their putting profits over people first, are more than enough for them to gain entry and eternal joyride in that fiery amusement park. It would be a daily ordeal, and they would shout for Jesus and forgiveness, but there is nobody else to hear their lamentations other than their fellow scumbags and of course the numerous countless devils. There will be gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair, blood and other fluids squirting out where there shouldn't be any blood and other fluids squirting out.

It would be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. Updates, details, about exactly who the people are involved in all of these. Who is this mayor Lorenzo guy? Wouldn't surprise me at all if he's been bought by the Del Monte corporation. Probably even a former worker or an executive himself. The indigenous folks were dispossessed of their land five years ago, in 2017, and since then have been living by the roadside. How has this been handled by the local and provincial government there? Too many questions that need answers.

Several commenters online saying how they'd get out of this country, or work towards getting out of here if Marcos Jr. wins. Don't really have similar plans. I'd sit here and do my thing and fester and seethe while the entire country burns. Maybe I'd go out to get some sun now and again, but mostly I'll be indoors. If things get bad enough, I'd definitely join something, if only to get exercise and companionship with like-minded individuals. Right now, I'm mostly fine being mostly in front of the computer all day, doomscrolling.

A kind of mental whiplash effect from all these terrible things on my timeline interspersed with pictures of cute animals, sexy women, cute kpop girls, funny events, etc. Maybe I should have a separate account - one for cute things, one for not-so-cute not-so-wonderful things happening.

If Imelda, who is in her 90s, don't know exact age entirely, were to die in the coming weeks, just before the elections, I wonder how that would affect the polls. Maybe this would lead to Jr. gaining further, like some kind of sympathy for the death of your mommy votes. Surely would make attacking their clan not look so good, even though they're such a bunch of evil scumbags that should have been hanged or shot for their crimes against the people. Either way, she gets the pineapple too, like all of them.