By Elizabeth Prata

Long Covid seems to be a thing. And I have it. Four months after the initial burst of the virus my body still reels with leftover issues and my mind isn't totally back yet. Let me show you what I mean.

Why on earth are there 13 servings of salmon piled on my counter in ziplocs? Well, because despite my careful and through examination of all coupons, sales, and my budget, despite carefully organizing my cupboard and fridge with foods to be eaten in rotation so I don't lose/waste any in the dark recesses, I accidentally bought a WHOLE SIDE OF SALMON. While I was congratulating myself on reaching the $35.00 minimum of Kroger's pickup without a fee and enjoying the $6 in coupons, bringing the final cost down to $29.00, patting myself on the back, thinking I'd bought ONE filet of salmon, I come home to unload the bags to find a 3' long package in the trunk among the other expected items. 'Did they accidentally load someone's rack of lamb?' I wondered. It cost $27.00! 'Wow,' I thought, 'Some families must have a large weekly grocery cost!'

I get inside and see it's salmon. Uh-oh. I quickly review my online list and sure enough, in plain English it says WHOLE SIDE OF SALMON. Gah. I only looked at the $2.00 off, and thought it was for a filet. How could I miss that? My final receipt with coupons still came out to only $59.00 but that was more than I'd budgeted. However, I now have 13 servings of salmon, and it was fresh salmon, not frozen. I put two in the fridge to have for suppers this weekend and froze the rest.

Dividing the servings from the cost it's only $2.10 per protein serving, not bad. But still, my mind isn't computing and processing like it used to. Not by a long shot. Worrisome.

Anyway, speaking of frugality, I have been trying this for a while. I switched from oatmeal for my weekday breakfast to quinoa. Quinoa has a higher protein content than oatmeal, though oatmeal is a pretty good cereal for the body. However, I needed a break. I now cook a pot of quinoa every Sunday and measure it out into 5 different containers. See, quinoa is not a grain but a cereal, and as such, has carbs. They're better carbs than say, bread, but still.

On the morning I get ready to eat it I add fruit and some almonds, then almond milk. Voila! breakfast! Best of all there's no pan to scrub after cooking oatmeal.

It's spring in Georgia and I'm glad for it. I don't have any plant allergies and that is a good thing. LOTS of trees and flowers bloom this time of year. The grass is a vivid fresh green hue, and the trees have loads of blossoms. I snapped these from my car on the way home from school.

EPrata photo
EPrata photo
EPrata photo

We have two more full weeks of school, then Spring Break. I'm not going anywhere, just enjoying my home and books and cooking and napping. After we return from Spring break there are only a few weeks of school left, then summer break! I look forward to that all year.

I'm going to close this blog now, because after all, I have a WHOLE SIDE OF SALMON to deal with!