Forged in Shadow (Dark Planet Warriors #5) by Anna Carven follows Captain Arin as she leaves the asteroid mining station where she was sent as punishment. The series weaves back and forth in time and story-arc, so the storyline is kind of all over the place. I was a little annoyed at first that we went back to where the series started, since the other books had advanced so far past that, but I ended up enjoying where the story went.

Up to this point, the romances in this series have been of the insta-love variety. While that happened here on his side, she held out longer and I found it to be more believable. I really liked Arin. She's the commander of the Peacekeepers and she's very well suited to the position. I liked that she was the sort to just handle shit. I also liked Rykal. He was a freak even by First Division standards, which made him a total badass. There's a lot of action and adventure here. It's definitely an edge-of-your-seat read.

This series is cracktastic. I just can't stop.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Dark Planet Warriors