Catchup for day 27!! Prompts from PadawanDesign (jumping backward on their list a bit) and PhoenixFeathersArt – "Mech" and "Stars."

So, some softness for Onna after the angst I drew her in yesterday, and something a bit AU for her and her dear Tock (both of "Tock the Gnome" ) - or at least we'll see if this happens.

I know how it would fit. I know what certain new jewelry means. I know who would give them wings like this, and for what occasion.... 💕

Day 28!! From HitorikArt's "Key" (from day 27) and PhoenixFeathersArt's "Moon" (to pair with the Star theme above, since the prompts were presented together!).

Featuring my friend Glombie's OCs, Frelwic the Gnome and his boyfriend, Ælfric the knight. We'd talked about them a while back, and I was so excited to finally get to draw them both! ....I do not know what their story is yet, though, so I hope this doesn't contradict anything - but even that, making it AU in that case, is in and of itself very Faerie, yes? That space of liminality. Possibilities. So I feel like both of today's entries are a perfect note to end on.

.....and not just because of the schmoop. Though the schmoop helps.

(And everybody check out Glombie's work, it is super charming! Go go!)

Aaaaaand that makes a complete challenge!! I went into this intending to be super casual about it, and of course failed at that, and still have so many things bouncing around my brainspace that I'd hoped to draw for this but didn't make it in. Still, I chose to participate because I hoped it would jumpstart my creativity and get me set to work on commissions again (since this winter has been a challenging buttwaffle) and it has done that! Thanks again to everyone who puts out prompt lists and keeps the event going, and especially to Hitorik, who invited me in the first place.

Here's to whatever is next! I'm gonna go take a nap.


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