Happy 2022, peeps.

So last January 1 I posted a picture almost identical to this one

- the only difference was my glasses.

It's 2 am here on the East Coast. The New year rang in officially here 2 hours ago. I can't say I am sad to see 2021 go. There were some highlights to be sure - the birth of my first grandson the biggest and happiest, but for the most part, 2021 wasn't one I will remember with a great deal of pleasure. Here's hoping 2022 sees us out of this pandemic ( get vaccinated, people) and that we can learn to love one another again, remembering our differences are our strengths.

I'm starting something new in 2022 on my Instagram account to get me to remember to smile more. Every day I'll post one new picture of something going on in my life that's a positive. It could be a picture of my crazy dog, the beautiful area I live in, or even just a picture of me doing something that makes me happy, like baking or cooking. By validating every day that there is something to smile about in life, I hope to give you all a reason to smile, too. So, enjoy today. Hope you got some sleep ( unlike me, the chronic insomniac) and that 2022 starts in a wonderful way for you. ~ Peg

here's my Instagram link so you can follow me on my journey:


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