IMWAYR is a weekly blog hop with kid lit co-hosts Jennifer from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers. The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. It's a great way to share what you're reading and get recommendations from others. We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you're reading, link up, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs each week.

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It sounds like a winter storm is heading our way, so I'll have some time to read for fun this week. I am ready!

Physical Books: I have a stack of picture books to read - some I never got to in 2021, and I picked up The Last Cuentista (the Newbery Medal Winner by Donna Barba Higuera!) last weekend at Brain Lair Books. I'm listening to Frankie & Bug by Gayle Forman and I love it! Stockard Channing narrates, and I picture her sitting in the room with me, reading aloud.

NetGalley: It's so exciting when your friends create something new and you get a sneak peek. It happened to me again. Gae Polisner and Nora Raleigh Baskin have collaborated to create Consider the Octopus, which stars two 12-year-olds on a research ship at the edge of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. I love that this friendship story includes a deeper "consideration" of our earth, its animals, and natural resources. I have hope that we can count on our current middle schoolers to save the planet in the future. Reading about topics like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch will help kids to become aware and advocate for a better world. (Due April 2022 from Macmillan)

It's Monday! What are YOU reading?

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