I wasn't going to post about setting goals for this year. To be honest, it felt a bit old hat then I read the quote on my shower gel bottle this morning. It got me thinking but still I felt hesitant about writing a 2022 goals blog... then I saw the above post shared in a group on Facebook and thought "F**k it! Why am I doubting myself here?"

So, here goes...

Creatively there's one key goal to be achieved this year and that's to complete and publish "Book Baby 7". I promised myself when I started writing it on 1 Feb 2021 that I would take my time with it and allow myself to be quite relaxed about the deadlines for it. I wanted to enjoy writing it and didn't want it to feel like something that had to be done. Anyone who knows me personally, knows I don't do "relaxed" so that's a challenge or goal all to itself! Tentatively, I'm aiming for a September publication date. I promise to share more details soon.

I'm not really one for New Year's resolutions. I'm not a "New Year, New You" kind of person ( too much of a creature of habit for that) but as we tip toe quietly through 2022 ( don't want to disturb it too much in case it bites us the same as 2020 and 2021 did), I hope that some of the blogs that I write and share will perhaps inspire others to maybe read something new or to create something of their own or take more pleasure from spending time outdoors. (Yes, my meandering approach to this blog is set to continue.) Or perhaps I just hope to give folk something to read as they take a break from the daily grind and relax with a mug of coffee.

I'm unapologetically going to keep on being me.

I hope you'll all join me on this journey through 2022. There's no promises of what it will bring but let's keep moving forwards and see where it takes us.

love n hugs

Coral xx

"Dreams get us started; discipline keeps us going" - my mantra/motto

(credits to the owners of the images used)