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Well, we made it through another season. The light is returning, the days are gradually getting longer again. It is time to take those December decorations down, for another year, as we have arrived at Twelfth night. Today's verse, inspired by the titles in the song; The Twelve Days of Christmas, taken litterally, talks of the shouting matches, you see the politicans have, when they disagree.

Twelve Lords a Leaping

There are lots, of Lords a leaping,

So many sounding cross,

For what ever each one says,

Another says is 'Tosh!'

Twelve Lords a leaping- Twelve Days of Christmas
Here is my cartoon to go with the twelve lords a leaping section of my comedy verse rewrite of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

The finer points of politics are lost on me. So I hope you can gloss over my confusion around ministers, rather than Lords and just smile along, to a jolly poem.

If you missed earlier posts in the series please go to Day 1,

Where I will be adding links to the rest of the days so you can catch up.

As ever, I like to share useful information here, so here is some historical reference to the 12 Days of Christmas song. This is from Good Housekeeping https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/christmas-ideas/a29212592/12-days-of-christmas-meaning-facts/

Please share my post, leave me a comment and let me know if you have enjoyed the series and my verse in general. Would you like to see more posts like this here?

May 2022 be as kind to you as possible, stay safe

Best wishes and thanks for reading, see you when I can. #spoonie

Billie x 🌈

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