[New post] 12 Days of Christmas, silly verse rewrite, Day 4
Billie's Craft Room posted: " Welcome Back If you have heard the Twelve Days of Christmas song and wonder what Colly birds are, coz traditional version of the song, isn't calling birds, its colly birds, then keep reading. Here is my silly verse rewrite, with lots of useful referen"
If you have heard the Twelve Days of Christmas song and wonder what Colly birds are, coz traditional version of the song, isn't calling birds, its colly birds, then keep reading. Here is my silly verse rewrite, with lots of useful reference information, on the origin of the name, colly bird.
Four Colly Birds
What on earth, is a colly bird?
Coz I don't know, do you?
I'll have a look on Google,
Perhaps they'll have a view.
So Colly birds, are blackbirds
Their feathers are all black.
Their name comes from colluries
Where cold dust, turned stuff black.
Coo, every days a school day
Coz thats news to me, I'm sure.
I have a little question,
Did you know that before?
A colly bird, to go with my poem about the origin of the name Colly bird, in the 12 Day s of Christmas song.
More information
People mine for coal, in the coal mines (coluries). It was and still is dirty and dangerours work. They would go home covered head to toe in coal dust, so you can see why when they saw a blackbird in times past, they might call it a colly bird.
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