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Seasons Greetings one and all, something a bit different for the next twelve days. I'd like to start some verse, silly verse to be precise, based on The Twelve days of Christmas song. Taking each of the verse titles litterally. Keep reading later in the post, for more about the back story to that. Now lets get into the rhyme.

A Partridge in a pear tree

A partridge was on instagram,

'Come look, you have to see,

I got my new place early,

And its in a pear tree!'

Twelve Days of Christmas;  Day 1
12 Days of Christmas; Day 1

As a child, I grew up with the silly verse and poetry of Spike Milligan. As someone who is dyslexic, I tend to see the world, in a different way. I take things litterally, which can be interesting, (annoying or frustrating or hillarious, dependingon the circumstances). Here is an example of how this project started.

The other week, I was sitting drawing a doodle of a chicken, and suddenly thought 'Three French Hens!' You know, from the words of the 12 days of Christmas song. A few lines came into my head, which I quickly wrote down.

Then having a brain like fireworks, I suddenly thought, 'What if I could write a poem or a verse for each of the 12 Days of Christmas…YEAH!!!! The words flowed and for the next twelve days, I shall share the results here.

BTW these will be counting UP, not down the twelve days, and are not intended to be sung to the song of the original. I just enjoyed playing with the themes in the titles.

If you missed the start of this, or want a quick reference page for the others in the series, I'll add in the links to them so you can catch up. The links won't work until each day has been posted, 9am UK time.

As ever, I like to share useful information here, so here is some historical reference to the 12 Days of Christmas song. This is from Good Housekeeping https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/christmas-ideas/a29212592/12-days-of-christmas-meaning-facts/

Please share my post, leave me a comment and I'll see you back here tomorrow for another post.

May 2022 be as kind to you as possible

Best wishes and thanks for reading.

Billie x

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