Friday 31 December 2021

[New post] Tasting

yhandmade posted: " after cutting was supposed to come pasting-- as in pasting pattern pieces together-- but what actually ended up coming next, was tasting.  tasting homemade baked goods, to be exact. i finally got myself an oven recently after being without one for "

[New post] My BEST BOOKS OF 2021 List and Reflections

Jennifer Sniadecki posted: " I have perplexing thoughts about my BEST BOOKS OF 2021 list. I curated the titles from my Goodreads account with two rules: 1) The book was published in 2021 and 2) I rated the book with 5 stars. (Titles appear in alphabetical order.) "

[New post] The Year in Review 2021

csiegfried95 posted: " In 2010 I got this meme, I think from Boston Bibliophile. It was a fun way to summarize the year, so I now do it every year. Two years ago I added a couple of new categories (how many books for work and how many different publishers).  How many books "