Lately my sister has had a hard time with her oldest child and curbing her 'potty mouth'.

I told my brother DeAndre that Amelia had a potty mouth and I could see his brain thinking, 'Potty mouth? Curse words? Amelia?'

I clarified, 'Like poo and toots and things'.


This summer, at one of our family Sunday times (Why do all the best stories happen then?!), my husband was talking to Amelia and telling her what she should expect going in to first grade.

The initial conversation happened in the living room, and I was in the kitchen so I didn't hear all that was said, but soon Amelia comes into the kitchen smiling and giggling.

She looks up at me and is laughing so hard she can barely talk, but she manages to say just one word that sounded like 'Fartballs.'

I'm thinking...'Did she just say...fart...balls...??!?!?'

' say...Fartballs...?', I asked, trying to control a smile.

She nodded and repeated it, giggling.

Oh, dear. I think I need to have a talk with my husband. I walk into the living room and I'm like, 'Uh, Adam...? What are you telling Amelia?'

'I'm telling her what to expect in first grade. You know, toot sounds and spit balls and things like that.'

"Oh. Because she turned 'toot sounds' and 'spit balls' into... uh...ummm...'fartballs'..." I had to work really hard to keep from laughing.

Unfortunately my sister was not around that Sunday and Amelia got into a lot of trouble when she went home and told her mom her newly coined word.

Adam and I had a good laugh about it when we got home.

On subsequent Sundays similar events continued.

One Sunday, in the course of conversation with my sister-in-law, I made the innocent mistake of saying 'artsy-fartsy' when Amelia was present.

Her ears perked up and her eyes lit up and she says, 'Artsy-fartsy?!?' with a grin on her face.

Oh, no...I take it back...! Ooops...*gulp*... :)! And I tried not to laugh.

Or just last Sunday I was holding her baby sister Esther and cooed, 'Oh, sweetpea...' to Esther.

Except it happened to be within earshot of Amelia and she repeats, 'Sweet pea...?".

I'm pretty sure her brain translated it as 'sweet pee'.

School has started and Amelia is now in the first grade. She doesn't have any classmates to egg on her potty mouth or for her to influence other kids, simply beacuse she's homeschooled. Maybe it's for the best. 🙂

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