Hello, this is Sunday Wisdoms! Every week for 52 weeks, I'll share 5 ideas/quotes/passages from my commonplace book that resonated with me during the past week. Occasionally, there will be ideas from me too. Take what you can get. Your mileage may vary.

Check out the past issues of Sunday Wisdoms here.

Was off the grid the last few days but still keeping it up.

This is Week 44 out of 52.

Teddy Pendergrass:

"Let's bring this day to a pleasant end."

Alan Watts:

"Worry is simply a chronic condition and people who worry are going to worry no matter what happens. Because when one possible threat is exterminated, they will immediately discover another, because worry is an infinitely skinned onion."

Maya Angelou:

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."

Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety. This new day is too dear, with its hopes & invitations, to waste a moment on the yesterdays."

Adam Grant:

"Ultimately what we regret is not failure, but the failure to act."

Till next week.

Always grateful,


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