Similar to last year I got the prompt list early, came up with a plan, and finished the month of October by the skin of my teeth. I started out great and excited the first week, by weeks two and especially three I was regretting starting, longing to quit (I had dedicated whole weekends to planning and drawing only to get at the most two completed). I stuck it out though, pushed through week four and made it to the end. Its been ages since I've worked this hard at drawing and it felt great to finish. I'm proud of the drawings I produced and will gladly do it again next year, albeit perhaps doing only half the prompt list depending on my schedule.

At first I had planned to do full scene drawings, but knowing myself and my schedule I decided instead to focus on drawing people as I needed practice. To make the experience more fun, I decided to make them super-powered or extraordinary beings (people, robots, cyborgs, etc.) I especially wanted to draw different kinds of people: Men and women, different races, different body types. The world is full of so many different people and trying to push this as much as I could was enjoyable.

All of my drawings this year were sketched and line inked in Procreate, after initially roughly sketching them out physically in my sketch book. I would print out the finished drawing on cardstock and ink with my Copic Markers, though there are a couple that I inked on Procreate as well as there were times I was behind and it sped up the process. Drawing digitally allowed me to be able to undo and experiment with different looks. It took the stress off of drawing and made it more freeing and experimental. I have mixed feelings about drawing digitally though and would like to explore that more in another blog post.

All in all another Inktober well done. Here's hoping everyone had a fun and productive Inktober! To end off, here are my Inktober drawings for 2021:

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