Oh how I love Mary Roach! I have read all of her books, and I usually buy them and start reading them the day they come out (including this one!) Months ago when I first heard this title and topic, I was so excited, that I was worried it would prove to be a joke, but delightfully, it was not! Yes, this is a book about animals breaking the law.

A lot of it is about bears. Not just bears killing humans, but bears eating human garbage and being around and getting used to humans, which is often what precipitates the killing of. From there she goes overseas to see how India deals with killer leopards which is much, much different (hint: Americans kill them. Other countries don't. Which means living with killer animals.)

As usual, I was laughing out loud throughout, and also reading parts out loud to my husband despite it annoying him (and also his intention to read the book after I was done.) We also just bought Ms. Roach's early book Stiff for his niece, so we'll probably be passing this one along to her as well when he's done with it. Anyone who can get is not just interested but fascinated by science, is awesome in my book. I would read a book by her every month if I could. Also will be a terrific gift for a wide swath of people--those interested in science, animals, the outdoors, funny books.

I bought this book from my local independent bookstore, Main Street Books in Davidson, NC.

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