When you are Cumbrian rain is a part of life. You never go anywhere without a kagoul and the web feet we are surely born with come in very handy! Over the last few weeks it has certainly rained. And as I have a partially rustic walk home my dress code has changed somewhat.

Dressed in over trousers, trusty walking boots, kagoul, hi-vis armbands - those motorists take no prisoners - carrying my backpack and wielding a walking stick I look more like I am about to conquer Annapurna than walk home from work. I have walked along what I now consider 'my verge' several times and have even 'hiked'* home across fields through flocks of sheep and small herds of cattle. Welcome to my country life!

Just shows what a difference a mile makes. Not three weeks ago I was cycling town streets to work now I look more like Bear Grylls. Infact I have rather come to see motorists as softies - skimming over the fact that I have super friends who drive me to work on their way to their own jobs in the morning - afraid to face the elements outside their tin-cans on wheels. Sour grapes on my part I am sure but growling helps me get to the end of the nobbly grass verge when the rain is horizontal and definitely aimed at me. Now who's the softie?!

After years of resisting the temptation of the posh wellington boot - I always thought it akin to buying a 4x4 vehicle when you only drive in the middle of a city - I am considering my first pair of Hunters! Whatever next?! For the uninitiated Hunters are the aristocrats of the wellington boot world. With almost every bone in my body I yearn for the comfort and dryness of a walking welly. Upon advice I am lusting after a pair of Ladies Balmoral Hunters to make my walks home an absolute pleasure, rain (most likely) or shine.

I don't mean to be disloyal to my present pair of welly-bobs. They do their best bless 'em but they are not really up to a trek back and forth along a mix of lumpy, bumpy, muddy paths and tarmaced pavements. They are more comfortable in the garden or jumping in puddles with Peanut. Rest assured they will always have a role in my life.

Love you welly-bobs!


* 'hiked' may be a slight exaggeration ….